
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 03:02:23
There are no statistics in Germany, but officials estimate that each year some 100,000 passengers on board German airplanes misbehave seriously.

While a number of foreign airlines are starting to take action against unruly passengers, the topic is not taken too seriously in Germany. Flight attendants and pilots groups feel that airlines, out of concern for their reputation, are covering up the problem. For example, Lufthansa officials speak only of some isolated incidents and say that so far there have been no serious cases reported. Compared to the total number of air travelers, unruly passengers remain a small minority. But then, a single passenger can become a security hazard if he starts to play with the doors, tries to force his way into the cockpit or secretly smokes a cigarette in the toilet.

Experts say that often the fear of flying is a cause of aggressive behaviour. Usually alcohol plays a role because in the extremely low humidity of the airplane it has a much greater effect than on the ground. In many cases, when flight attendants deny a passenger another drink, there is a heated reaction. In one instance, a man struck a stewardess so violently in the face that she suffered a broken jaw.

Airlines often have problems with business passengers because they are always used to being in control. However, as one airline official stated, "but up in the sky, it's the pilot who's in charge." Other agencies agree that many business passengers have a problem with following someone else's instructions. He said that American Airlines has even observed that the majority of unruly passengers are to be found in the first-class and business-class sections.

How do airlines deal with these passengers? A pilot for a German charter airline once had to deal with a group of 10 to 15 vacationers who were dancing through the aisle while carrying a portable stereo playing loud music. He warned the vacationers that if he was forced to make an unscheduled stop in New York, it would cost them $25,000. That quickly calmed them down. British Airways has begun warning passengers that they would be banned from flying with the airline after two incidents.

There are no statistics in Germany, but officials estimate that each year some 100,000 passengers on board German airplanes misbehave seriously.

在德国, 没有(这方面的)数据,但是官员们估计每年有大约10 万的德国飞机乘客行为很不好。

While a number of foreign airlines are starting to take action against unruly passengers, the topic is not taken too seriously in Germany.

虽然有一些航空公司开始对不守规则的乘客采取行动, 这个问题在德国并没有受到很认真的看待。

Flight attendants and pilots groups feel that airlines, out of concern for their reputation, are covering up the problem.


For example, Lufthansa officials speak only of some isolated incidents and say that so far there have been no serious cases reported. Compared to the total number of air travelers, unruly passengers remain a small minority. But then, a single passenger can become a security hazard if he starts to play with the doors, tries to force his way into the cockpit or secretly smokes a cigarette in the toilet.
例如, 德国汉莎的官员只是讲到几个独立的例子, 并说自今为止没有人(跟他们)报告过严重的例子。跟数量众多的旅游者比起来,不守规则的乘客还只是占很少的一小部分。但是, 如果一个顾客玩弄门,试图强行进入驾驶舱或者偷偷地在洗手间抽香烟就能造成安全危害。

Experts say that often the fear of flying is a cause of aggressive behaviour. Usually alcohol plays a role because in the extremely low humidity of the airplane it has a much greater effect than on the ground. In many cases, when flight attendants deny a passenger another drink, there is a heated reaction. In one instance, a man struck a stewardess so violently in the face that she suffered a broken jaw.

专家说, 很多时候, 害怕飞行是暴力的缘由。通常, 酒精起了一定的作用。因为在机上极低的潮湿度的情况下, 酒精起了比在陆地上高得多的作用。在很多情况下, 空中服务人员不给一个乘客来多一杯饮料(酒)时, 就会引起一个强烈的的反应。有次, 一个男人很粗暴的朝一个空姐的脸上打去, 以致她的下额被打断。

Airlines often have problems with business passengers because they are always used to being in control. However, as one airline official stated, "but up in the sky, it's the pilot who's in charge." Other agencies agree that many business passengers have a problem with following someone else's instructions. He said that American Airlines has even observed that the majority of unruly passengers are to be found in the first-class and business-class sections.

航空公司通常对于商务舱的乘客没有办法, 因为他们习惯于控制别人。 一个航空公司官员说:“但是在空中, 负责的是人是飞行员”。 其它的一些机构也同意很多商务舱的乘客没法听从别人的指示。 他说, 美国航空公司甚至观察到大多数的不守规则的乘客是在一等舱及商务舱碰到的。

How do airlines deal with these passengers? A pilot for a German charter airline once had to deal with a group of 10 to 15 vacationers who were dancing through the aisle while carrying a portable stereo playing loud music.

航空公司怎么处理这些乘客? 一名德国包机航空公司的飞行员有次得应付拿着便携式立体音响放着大声的音乐并在走道跳舞的一组10-15 人的度假者。

He warned the vacationers that if he was forced to make an unscheduled stop in New York, it would cost them $25,000. That quickly calmed them down. British Airways has begun warning passengers that they would be banned from flying with the airline after two incidents.

他警告那些度假者, 如果他被迫在纽约做非行程计划的降落, 那将会耗费他们 25,000 美元。这很快就让他们静了下来。英国航空公司已经开始警告乘客如果他们有两次违规, 就会被禁止乘坐他们的航空公司的飞机。

没有统计在德国, 但官员估计大约100,000 位乘客德国飞 机严重在船上每年misbehave 。当一定数量的外国航空公司正在开 始采取行动反对难驾驭乘客, 这个题目在德国太严重不被采取。空 服员和飞行员小组认为航空公司, 出于关心为他们的名誉, 正在包 括这个问题。例如, Lufthansa 官员讲话只有些被隔绝的事端和说 到目前为止有是没有严肃的案件报告。与总数字比较的空气旅客, 难驾驭乘客保留小少数。但然后,一位唯一乘客能成为安全危险如果 他开始演奏与门, 设法强迫他的方式入这个驾驶舱或秘密地抽一根 香烟在这间洗手间。
专家说对飞行的恐惧经常是进取的行为的起因。通常酒精 充当角色因为在飞机的极端低湿气它有一个比较了不起的作用比在 地面。在许多情况下, 当空服员否认乘客其它饮料,有被供热的反应 。在一个事例, 人那么猛烈地触击空中小姐在面孔她遭受一个残破 的下颌。航空公司经常有有企业乘客的问题因为他们总被用于是在 控制。然而, 如同一位航空公司官员陈述, " 但在天空, 这是 飞行员的 责任。" 其它代办处同意许多企业乘客有有跟随 某人的一个问题其他的指示。他说美国航空甚而观察多数难驾 驭乘客将被发现在一流和事务类部分。
航空公司怎么处理这些乘客? 一名飞行员为一个德国宪章 航空公司必须一次处理跳舞通过走道当运载便携式立体音响演奏大 声音乐的一个小组10 到15 旅游者 。他警告的旅游者 如果他被迫做不定期的中止自纽约, 它花费他们$25,000 。那下来 迅速镇定他们。英国航空开始警告乘客他们被取缔从飞行与航空公 司在二次事端以后


大雁飞过翻译得不错,但是我认为如果能够把He warned the vacationers that if he was forced to make an unscheduled stop in New York, it would cost them $25,000. That quickly calmed them down. 这里面的cost翻译为“罚款”更为恰当,虽然cost这个词没有“罚款”的意思。从大雁飞过的中文来看“那将会耗费他们 25,000 美元”,他们是指那群不守纪律的度假者呢,还是指航空公司呢?单纯从语法方面很难判断出来。但从故事的逻辑来看应该是指那些度假者,由于害怕高额罚款,才有“这很快就让他们静了下来。”否则,那些无法无天的人心里会说“花费你们25000美元关我什么事?”,他们也就不会静下来。