优信二手车的价格贵:What's (original) English words of 利益相关者?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/05 09:43:56

应该是interest parties 或 interest party

Interest parties 与 stakeholder(s) 的最大分别,是前者的“利益”包括了金钱和非金钱利益(例如公众健康),后者往往指切身的经济利益。例如,政府打算在所有的餐馆禁止吸烟,餐馆、烟草制造商、烟草零售商就是stakeholder. 但普通市民(利益相关者之一)就是一个interest party。

The original English expression of “interest party” or “interest parties” can be found everywhere. An example is shown below.


Please go to Q11 which includes such a sentence:

The steps that a railway company is required to follow to discontinue operations on a line include: notice in the three-year plan, public advertisement, negotiations with interest parties, offer to governments and a discontinuance notice.

beneficiary 受益人
benefactor 捐助人,恩人

stakeholder(s), 利益相关者(也译作"利害关系人"). 是个法律用语.

