越秀金融科技 待遇:新西兰的由来

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/03 12:07:09





早期开拓者在披荆斩棘的奋斗中与毛利人共同发挥他们的探索精神和不屈不饶的坚毅性格。在艺术和科学、体育和文化、政治,贸易和旅游、电影和娱乐等众多的领域内都有重大成就。新西兰是第一个赋予妇女投票权、第一个实施行八小时工作制、第一个创立福利社会的国家。厄尔尼斯特‧罗斯福特爵士首先发现原子的秘密,而埃德蒙特‧黑勒瑞爵士与舍帕 • 腾辛则是最早攻克珠穆朗玛峰的登山家。




New Zealand is a nation of remarkable extremes. Our landscapes range from spectacular Alps and clear, fast-flowing rivers, to lush native bush and fertile lowland pastures. The roots of our ancestors are planted firmly in the bountiful land, but our cities are modern, vibrant and welcoming. We are a small nation, with a big attitude.

In geological terms, this cluster of islands has only known humans for a split second of time. It was the last major landmass on earth to be settled. Our plants and animals, many of which have retained their ancient Jurassic forms, are so unusual that we hold a unique and precious place in the scientific world.

The country was settled about one thousand years ago by people from the Pacific. They are Maori, the tangata whenua, “people of the land”, who saw the bush-clad hills shrouded in mist and named the place Aotearoa, “Land of the Long White Cloud”.

European explorers made landfall in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1840, representatives of the British crown and over 500 Maori chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi. The treaty established New Zealand as a British colony. It also secured Maori the protection of the British monarchy and guaranteed them undisturbed rights to their land, forests and fisheries.

The questing spirit and gritty determination of the early settlers has been passed on to generations of New Zealanders since. We have gone on to achieve a great deal in many fields: art, science, sport, culture, politics, multicultural affairs, trade, tourism, the film industry, and many more. New Zealand was the first nation in which women gained the right to vote. We were the first to establish an eight-hour working day. Our most celebrated scientist, Sir Ernest Rutherford, was the first to unlock the secrets of the atom. Sir Edmund Hillary, along with Sherpa Tensing, was the first to climb Mt Everest.

Today New Zealand’s strong reliance on trade makes it an outward-looking nation. The old connections with Britain have loosened, and new links have been forged with our neighbours in the Pacific, in Asia and beyond. We are a firm believer in a liberal international environment for trade and investment. At home, we have fostered a competitive domestic economy and low tariffs to support that belief.

New Zealand’s identity as a Pacific nation is based on a partnership between Pakeha (New Zealanders of European origin) and Maori. At the heart of that partnership is the Treaty of Waitangi, an agreement that lives on as the basis for equitable enjoyment of our precious natural environment, and as a national symbol for unity and understanding between cultures.

Tourism, immigration and close economic and political contact have introduced more and more of the unique colours, cultures, traditions and history of people from many other nations.

At the start of its second thousand years of human habitation, New Zealand is increasingly confident and independent in its nationhood.





早期开拓者在披荆斩棘的奋斗中与毛利人共同发挥他们的探索精神和不屈不饶的坚毅性格。在艺术和科学、体育和文化、政治,贸易和旅游、电影和娱乐等众多的领域内都有重大成就。新西兰是第一个赋予妇女投票权、第一个实施行八小时工作制、第一个创立福利社会的国家。厄尔尼斯特‧罗斯福特爵士首先发现原子的秘密,而埃德蒙特‧黑勒瑞爵士与舍帕 • 腾辛则是最早攻克珠穆朗玛峰的登山家。


