
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 08:58:18
芝加哥(Chicago) 纳稀威(Nashville) 伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul) 伦敦(London) 旧金山(San Francisco)




The capital of Tennessee, in the north-central part of the state northeast of Memphis. Founded in 1779 as Fort Nashborough, it was renamed in 1784 and became the permanent capital in 1843. Nashville is a port of entry and major commercial center known especially for its music industry. Population, 488,374.

The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1871. Population, 2,783,726.

The largest city of Turkey, in the northwest part of the country on both sides of the Bosporus at its entrance into the Sea of Marmara. Founded c. 660 b.c. as Byzantium, it was renamed Constantinople in a.d. 330 by Constantine the Great, who made it the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire. The city was sacked by Crusaders in 1204 and taken by the Turks in 1453. Istanbul was chosen as the official name in 1930. Population, 2,772,708.
伊斯坦布尔,君士坦丁堡:土耳其最大的城市,位于该国的西北部、博斯普鲁斯海峡的两岸、马尔马拉海的入口处。于公元前 660年建时称作拜占庭, 公元 330年由君士坦丁大帝改名为君士坦丁堡,他把它定为东罗马帝国的首都,或君士坦丁帝国。1204年,该城被十字军掠夺,1453年被土耳其人占领。1930年,“伊斯坦布尔”被指定为官方名称。人口2,772,708

The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River in southeast England. Greater London consists of 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London, built on the site of a Roman outpost named Londinium. Its growth as an important trade center dates from 886, under the rule of Alfred the Great. During the Elizabethan period (1558-1603) London achieved new heights of wealth, power, and influence and has continued to dominate its country's political, economic, and cultural life. The old city was devastated by the plague in 1665 and by the Great Fire of 1666; the modern city was damaged severely by bombs during World War II. Population, 6,851,400.

A city of western California on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, an inlet of the Pacific. A Spanish presidio and mission were founded here in 1776. The first settlement was known as Yerba Buena, and the name was changed to San Francisco after control of the town passed to the United States in 1846. Discovery of gold nearby in 1848 changed the city from a small community into a thriving boom town known for its lawlessness and bawdy amusements. The city was all but destroyed by a devastating earthquake and fire on April 18, 1906. Population, 723,959.
旧金山:美国加利福尼亚西部一半岛上的城市,位于太平洋与旧金山湾 (太平洋沿岸一海港)之间,1776年西班牙在此建立要塞和传道区。第一个殖民点被称为耶尔巴布埃那,1846年美国控制该城市后改名旧金山。1848年在附近地区发现了金矿,这使原来的小社区发展成为一个日益繁荣的城镇,以无法规约束且多猥亵的消遣方式而闻名。该城市在1906年4月18日的毁灭性大地震和火灾中几乎被摧毁。人口723,959