
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 09:47:39
US Ready to Sell Advanced Arms to India
(An F-16 multi-purpose jet fighter flies past the moon during a demonstration flight at an air show in Switzerland September 5, 2004. The United States said on the heels of a landmark 航海)陆标, 地界标, 里程碑, 划时代的事civilian平民, 公务员, 文官 nuclear cooperation pact with India on Thursday that it was prepared to sell advanced warplanes and other high-tech arms to the south Asia nation. Photo: Reuters) Related: US, India Reach Nuclear DealThe United States said on the heels of a landmark civilian nuclear cooperation pact with India on Thursday that it was prepared to sell advanced warplanes 军]军用机and other high-tech arms to the south Asia nation. "Where only a few years ago, no one would have talked about the prospects for a major U.S.-India defense deal, today the prospects are promising, whether in the realm of combat 战斗, 格斗aircraft航行器, helicopters, maritime海上的, 海事的, 海运的, 海员的 patrol 出巡, 巡逻aircraft or naval 海军的vessels," the U.S. Defense Department said as President George W. Bush paid a three-day visit to India. "The next step is to turn the talk of prospective sales into reality. The United States is committed to working with India to do this," the department added in a statement released to coincide with the president's visit. The Pentagon五角形, 五边形release did not mention any specific deals except to note that Washington was prepared to offer Lockheed Martin F-16 and Boeing F/A-18 jet fighters to India. "It is our goal to help meet India's needs in the defense realm, and to provide important capabilities and technologies that India seeks. We are on a path to accomplish this," the Pentagon said in Washington. "We have indicated指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明our intention to offer both the F-16 and the F-18, both combat proven aircraft. As additional capabilities enter our force, we will work with the government of India to make them available," it added. "Our proposal will also address向...致辞, 演说, 写姓名地址, 从事, 忙于 India's interest in technology transfer技术转让and indigenous 本土的co-production

美国称继一个里程碑海航行)陆标,标territorygovernment,里程碑,划时代的事借用民间太平、公告务员、 中文官周四与印度核合作协议,它准备向台湾出售先进战斗机等高科技武器给南亚国家. 图片:路透电)相关:美印达成核Dealthe美国称继划时代的民用核能合作协议,印度周四,它准备向台湾出售先进战机军:军储值机等高科技武器给南亚国家. " 而仅在几年前,没有人会谈的前景重大美印防务协议,今天的前景是有希望的,无论是在现实政治作战战pipes,资格pipes飞机航行行器、直升机、海上辞海上市的,辞海事的,辞海运的,辞海员的巡逻出巡,巡逻飞机或舰艇辞海军的船只, " 美国国防部说,布什总统进行了为期3天的访印. " 下一步就是要使会谈准销售变为现实. 美国致力于同印度这样做, " 该署发表声明说,为配合总统 ' 访. 五角大楼肌形俊、俊边形释放没有提到具体的交易除看到华盛顿是否愿意洛克希德F-16战斗机和波音f/a-18印度. " 我们的目标是帮助满足印度 ' 在防务领域的需求,并提供了重要的技术和能力,印度要求. 我们对实现这一目标的道路, " 五角大楼说,在华盛顿举行. " 我们曾指出,显示,当面征,预示,需要约,要约government简说明我们打算提供了F-16和F-18飞机,双方战证明. 我们的部队进入附加能力,我们愿与印度政府提供这些资料, " 它说: " 我们的建议也招致地址::须向辞,表演说、写姓名地址,从事,忙依附印度 ' 有兴趣的技术转让technology术转让土著和田土的版本共同制作

美国称继一个里程碑海航行)陆标,标territorygovernment,里程碑,划时代的事借用民间太平、公告务员、 中文官周四与印度核合作协议,它准备向台湾出售先进战斗机等高科技武器给南亚国家. 图片:路透电)相关:美印达成核Dealthe美国称继划时代的民用核能合作协议,印度周四,它准备向台湾出售先进战机军:军储值机等高科技武器给南亚国家. " 而仅在几年前,没有人会谈的前景重大美印防务协议,今天的前景是有希望的,无论是在现实政治作战战pipes,资格pipes飞机航行行器、直升机、海上辞海上市的,辞海事的,辞海运的,辞海员的巡逻出巡,巡逻飞机或舰艇辞海军的船只, " 美国国防部说,布什总统进行了为期3天的访印. " 下一步就是要使会谈准销售变为现实. 美国致力于同印度这样做, " 该署发表声明说,为配合总统 ' 访. 五角大楼肌形俊、俊边形释放没有提到具体的交易除看到华盛顿是否愿意洛克希德F-16战斗机和波音f/a-18印度. " 我们的目标是帮助满足印度 ' 在防务领域的需求,并提供了重要的技术和能力,印度要求. 我们对实现这一目标的道路, " 五角大楼说,在华盛顿举行. " 我们曾指出,显示,当面征,预示,需要约,要约government简说明我们打算提供了F-16和F-18飞机,双方战证明. 我们的部队进入附加能力,我们愿与印度政府提供这些资料, " 它说: " 我们的建议也招致地址::须向辞,表演说、写姓名地址,从事,忙依附印度 ' 有兴趣的技术转让technology术转让土著和田土的版本共同制作 .