
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 19:04:21
The first cars were built in the early 1800s,. What were the first cars like? They did not look anything like they do today. They did not sound anything like they do today. They made a lot of noise as they travelled down the street. They had wooden wheels, like wagons. They had steam engines, like trains. During the 1880s, a German engineer invented engines that ued gas, not steam. At that time, people thought cars were dangerous. Many people were afraid of cars and preferred to use horses for travel.
If you wanted to go somewhere in a hurry, though, you would take a car and not a horse, you still couldn't get to your destination as quickly as you would today. In England, from 1865 to 1878, the speed limit was 6.5 kikometres per hour. A man with a red flag had to walk in front of the car. At first only rich people could buy cars. Later, most families in North America could buy a car. Today, people all over the world can buy cars.

19世纪初期,首批汽车与世人见面了。然而,早期的汽车究竟是什么样子呢? 事实上,无论是外观,还是行驶时发出的声音,早期的汽车都与如今的汽车有着巨大的差异。早期的汽车在街道上行驶时,发出的噪声很大。车轮像马车的轮子一样是木制的。此外,他们像火车一样,靠蒸气机提供动力。在19世纪80年代,德国的一位工程师发明了用燃烧汽油来代替蒸汽动力的发动机。然而,那个时候的人们却认为汽车是很危险的交通工具。由于不敢乘坐汽车,人们出门还是常常乘坐马车。除非有很紧急的事情,人们才会乘坐汽车。但是,即便如此,人们还是不会像今天这样迅速地到达目的地。 在1865到1878年间,英国的汽车时速一直被限制在每小时6.5公里。并且汽车还受到举着红色旗子交警的管制。 刚开始,只有富人才能买的起汽车。但后来,绝大多数北美家庭都可以买的起了。如今,全世界的人们都能够购买汽车了。

第一辆汽车在早1800s,中被建造。 第一辆汽车怎么样? 它们看起来和今天的没有任何相象,听起来也和今天的不一样。 当他们沿着街道旅行时,他们做许多噪音。 他们像货车一样有木制的轮子,。 他们像火车一样有蒸汽机,。 在1880s期间,一名德国的工程师发明,不蒸发的引擎ued气体。 那个时候,人们认为汽车是危险的。 许多人们是害怕汽车和更加喜欢为了旅行使用马。
如果你想要某一地方匆忙地去,尽管,你将乘一辆汽车而不是一匹马,你仍然不能来到你的目的地和你一样迅速地将今天。 在英国,从1865到1878年,速度限制每小时是6.5 kikometres。 带有一面红旗的一个人不得不在汽车之前走。 首先仅仅富有的人们能购买汽车。 稍晚,在北美洲中的大多数家庭能购买一辆汽车。 今天,人们能全世界购买汽车