
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/14 01:49:39

Among the rubbish I found a sign which said:” Anyone who leaves litter

good at擅长
be in for一定会
be heart用心记
a little一点
pull tothe side靠边边停车n.
样子, 方式, 流行, 风尚, 时样 abbrabbreviation (略) 略语
adj, adjjadjective(s) (形) 形容词
adv, advvadverb(s) (副) 副词
adv partadverbial particle (副接) 副词接语
auxauxiliary (助) 助动词
[C]countable noun (可数) 可数名词
conjconjunction (连) 连接
def art definite article (定冠) 定冠词
egfor example (例如) 例如
espespecially (尤指) 尤指
etcand the others (等) 等等
iewhich is to say (意即) 意即
indef artindefinite article (不定冠词) 不定冠词
infinfinitive (不定词) 不定词
intinterjection (感) 感叹词
nnoun(s) (名) 名词
negnegative(ly) (否定) 否定的(地)
part adjparticipial adjective (分形) 分词形容词
persperson (人称) 人称
pers pronpersonal pronoun (人称代) 人称代名词
plplural (复) 复数(的)
pppast participle (过去分词) 过去分词
prefprefix (字首) 字首
preppreposition(al) (介词) 介词,介系词,介词的
pronpronoun (代) 代名词
ptpast tense (过去) 过去式
sbsomebody (某人) 某人
singsingular (单) 单数(的)
sthsomething (某事物) 某物或某事
suffsuffix (字尾) 字尾
[U]uncountable noun (不可数) 不可数名词
USAmerica(n) (美) 美国(的)
vverb(s) (动) 动词
[VP]Verb Pattern (动型) 动词类型
viverb intransitive (不及物动词) 不及物动词
vtverb transitive (及物动词) 及物动词
look at (察看) 参看
male (男性) 男性(的)
female (女性) 女性(的)

My favorite subject
My favorite subject is English.I've studied English for a long time.And I've already found a lot of fun by English.Well,I think after you study English very long time, and you can speak it very well ,you will be vary happy.I think when your reading is nicer and nicer ,you will feel perfact.I also like history a lot.I think there are many interesting things in our history class.Our history teacher talks a lot of news with us,and then we can learn lots things.He is very kind ,so we always borrow some useful books by him,and he usually lend us.I think we are not only teacher and studengs ,bu also can be friends.

Happy New Year, everybody! I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate the arrival of a new year. In particular, I am delighted to have the attendance of Mr. Williams and Mr. Richardson from the United ...
Once there was an old man lived lonely in a small town,he was a good man.And one day,a yong man came to him and said:\"Help me!I am very hungry,please give me some food.\"The old man smiled and gave him some food.The yong man ate the food ,then he left without saying \"thank you\".The next day,the same thing happened,and the follow days.After a week,when the yong man wanted left,the old man stopped him,the yong man thought for a while and then he asked:\"Do you want money?I do not have money.\"The old man said:\"No.I do not want any money.I just want you say:THANK YOU!\"
The most important thing in one\'s life is have a good friend and to be a good friend.To be a good friend first we must learn how to care about others,then we shoud try(our best) to help him.But we also should have some friends.And we can\'t tell lie\'s.That is what we shoould do to be a good friend.and to be a good child.As a good child we also can\'t tell lie\'s not only to our friends but also to everybody.If we can do that we must be a good student.