
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 07:56:42

We reported last week that Helen Keller suffered from a strange sickness when she was only 19 months old. It made her completely blind and deaf. For the next five years she had no way of successfully communicating with other people. Then a teacher Anne Sullivan arrived from Boston to help her. Miss Sullivan herself had once been blind. She tried to teach Helen to live like other people. She taught her how to use her hands as a way of speaking. Miss Sullivan took Helen out into the woods to explore nature. They also went to the circus, the theatre., and even to factories. Miss Sullivan explained everything in the language she and Helen used, a language of touch, of fingers and hands. Helen also learned how to ride to horse, to swim, to row a boat, and even to climb trees.

Helen Keller once wrote about these early days.

One beautiful spring morning I was alone in my room, reading. Suddenly a wonderful smell in the air made me get up and put out my hands . The spirit of spring seemed to be passing in my room. "What is it?"I asked. The next minute I knew it was coming from mimosa tree outside. I walked outside to the edge of the garden, toward the tree. There it was, shaking in the warm sunshine. Its long branches, so heavy with flowers, almost touched the ground. I walked through the flowers to the tree itself and then just stood silent. Then I put my foot on the tree and pulled myself up into it. I climbed higher and higher until I reached a little seat. Long ago someone had put it there. I sat for a long time... Nothing in all the world was like this.

Later Helen learned that nature could be cruel as well as beautiful. Strangely enough she discovery this in a different kind of tree.

One day my teacher and I were returning from a long walk. It was a fine morning but it started to get warm and heavy. We stopped to rest two or three times. Our last stop was under a cherry tree, a short way from our house. The shade was nice and the tree was easy to climb. Miss Sullivan climbed with me. It was so coot up in the tree, we decided to have lunch there. I promised to sit still until she went to the house for some food. Suddenly a change came over the tree. I knew the sky was black because all the heat which meant light to me had died out of the air. A strange odor came up to me from the earth . I knew it. It was the odor which always comes before a thunder storm. I felt alone, cut off from friends, high above the firm earth. I was frightened and wanted my teacher. wanted to get down from that tree quickly, but I was no help to myself. There was a moment of' terrible silence. Then a sudden and violent wind began to shake the tree and its leaves kept coming down all around me. I almost fell. I wanted to jump, but was afraid to do so. I tried to make myself small in the tree as the branches rubbed against me. Just us I thought that both the tree and I were going to fall, a hand touched me . It was my teacher. I held her with all my strength, then shook with joy to feel the solid earth under my feet.

Miss Sullivan stayed with Helen for many year. She taught Helen how to read, how to write and how to speak. She helped her to get ready for school and college. More than anything, Helen wanted to do what others did, and do it just as well. In time Helen did go to college and completed her studies with high honors. But it was a hard struggle. Few of the books she needed were written in the Braille language that the blind could read by touching pages. Miss Sullivan and others had to teach her what was in these books by forming words in her hands. The study of geometry and physics was especially difficult. Helen could only learn about squares, triangles and other geometrical forms by making them with wires. She kept feeling the different shapes of these wires until she could see them in her mind.

During her second year college Miss Keller wrote the story of her life and what a college meant to her. This is what she wrote.

My first day at Radcliffe college was of great interest. Some powerful force inside me made me test my mind. I wanted to learn if it was as good as that of others. I learned many things at college. One thing I slowly learned was that knowledge does not just mean power, as some people say. Knowledge leads to happiness because to have it is to know what is true and real. To know what great man of the past had thought, said, and done is to feel the heartbeat of humanity down through the ages.

All of Helen Keller's knowledge reached her mind through her sense of touch and smell, and of course her feelings. To know a flower was to touch it, feel it and smell it. This sense of touch became greatly developed as she got older. She once said that hands speak almost as loudly as words. She said the touch of some hands frightened her. The people seemed so empty of joy that when she touched their cold fingers it is as if she were shaking bands with a storm. She found the hands of others full of sunshine and warmth. Strangely enough Helen Keller learned to love things she could not hear, music for example. She did this through her sense of touch. When waves of air beat against her, she felt them. Sometimes she put her hand to a singer's throat. She often stood for hours with her hands on a piano while it was played. Once she listened to an organ. Its powerful songs made her moved her body in rhythm with the music. She also liked to go to museums. She thought she understood sculptures as well as others. Her fingers told her the true size and the feel of the material.

What did Helen Keller think of herself, what did she think about the tragic lost of her sight and hearing. This is what she wrote as a young girl.

Sometimes a sense of loneliness covers me like a cold mist. I sit alone, and wait at life ' s shut-door. Beyond there is light and music and sweet friendship. But I may not enter. Silence sits heavy upon my soul. Then comes hope with a sweet smile and said
softly " There is joy in forgetting oneself And so I tried to make the light in others' eyes my sun, the music in others' ears my symphony, the smile on others' lips my happiness.
Helen Keller was tall and strong. When she spoke, her face looked very alive. It helped to give meaning to her words. She often felt the faces of close friends when she was talking to them to discover their feelings. She and Miss Sullivan both were known for their sense of humor. They enjoyed jokes and laughing at funny things that happened to themselves or others. Helen Keller had to work hard to support herself after she finished college. She spoke to many groups around the country. She wrote several books and she made one movie based on her life. Her main goal was to increase public interest in the difficulties of people with physical problems. The work Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan did has been written and talked about for many years. Their success showed how people can conquer great difficulties. Anne Sullivan died in 1936, blind herself. Before Miss Sullivan died, Helen wrote and said many kind things about her.

It was the genius of my teacher, her sympathy, her love which made my first years of education so beautiful. My teacher is so near to me that I do not think of myself as a part from her. All the best of me belongs to her. Everything I am today was awakened by her loving touch .

Helen Keller died on June 1st, 1968. She was 87 year old. Her message of courage and hope remains.






沙利文小姐和海伦相处了多年。她教会了海伦怎样读书、怎样写字、怎样说话。她帮助海伦上学,而且上了大学。海伦非常想做别人能做的事,而且同别人做得一样好。后来,海伦真地上了大学,而且以优异的成绩完成了学业。但是,也真是不容易。她所需要的书中没有几本是用盲文(盲人用手摸着书读的语言)写的。因此很多书都要靠沙利文小姐或别人把这些书写在她手上。几何和 物理特别难学。海伦只能用金属丝来学习正方形、三角形和其他的几何图形。她要反复感觉这些金属丝的形状,直到能在自己脑子里看到它们为止。


在拉德克利夫大学的第一天我兴趣盎然。我内心深处有一股强大的力量促使我检验一下我的脑子够不够用.我想看一看自己能否学得和别人一样好。在大学里,懂得了很多事情。我逐渐明白的一件事是:有些人说,知识就是力量。但不单是这样,知识还是引人快乐的桥梁,因为掌握了知识就知道了什么是真正的和真 实的。去了解过去的伟人们是怎么想的、怎么说的,怎么做的就等于去感受人类一代代人的心脏跳动。

海伦·凯勒所有的知识都是通过触觉。嗅觉和感觉获取的。要了解一朵花,就要去摸、去闻、去感受。随着她年龄的增长,她的触觉功能得到了高度开发。有一次她说,手几乎和嘴一样可以说话。她说,有些人的手让她摸起来产生恐惧。当她触到这种人的冰冷 的手指时,他们好像没有欢乐,她好像是在和暴风雨握手。而她发现另外一种人的手充满了阳光和温暖。令人奇怪地是,海伦·凯勒学会了喜欢她听不到的东西,比如音乐。她做到这一点靠的是触觉_当音乐的节拍使空气产生的波动触及到她时,她能感觉到。有时她把手放在唱歌的人的喉咙..一架钢琴在演奏时,她常常用手抚摸着钢琴站上几个小时。有一次她听风琴演奏。风琴奏出的有力的歌曲声使得她按着音乐的节拍晃起了身体。她还喜欢去博物馆。她认为,她对雕塑的理解和别人没有两样。她的手指能告诉她物体的大小和质地。




