一滴水和大海的故事:新疆地区英文名称 急用!一小时内回答谢谢

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/16 02:49:49
楼兰古国 罗布泊 巴音布鲁克草原及天鹅湖等 克孜尔千佛洞 塔里木河 香妃墓 最好有英文介绍.

楼兰古国:Ancient State of Loulan
Loulan is an ancient town founded in the second century BC on the north-eastern edge of the Taklamakan desert. Loulan was an ancient kingdom along China's Silk Road in Xinjiang. The ruins of Loulan are on what were the western banks of Lop Nur, in the Ruoqiang county of the Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, now completely submerged in the desert.
A 3,800-year-old female mummy (circa 1600 BC) was discovered in Loulan in 1980, suggesting an even earlier inhabitation of the region.
In 55 BC the area became a Chinese puppet state, called Shanshan. The Tarim River, which supported the settlement, subsequently changed course, and by the sixth century the city was abandoned.


罗布泊:Lop Nur
Lop Nur is a group of small, now seasonal salt lakes and marshes between the Taklamakan and Kuruktag deserts in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China, ring about the point 40.5°N 90.5°E.
The lake system into which the Tarim River empties is the last remnant of the historical post-glacial Tarim Lake, which once covered more than 10,000 square kilometers in the Tarim Basin. Lop Nur is hydrologically endorheic-there is no outlet. Though it was determined to be a single salt lake by ancient Chinese geographers, it has largely dried up from its 1928 measured area of 3100 square km, and spreading desert, apparently windblown sandy loess, has shifted the lake system 30 to 40 km westwards during the past 40 years. A partial cause for the destabilization of the desert has been the cutting of poplars and willows for firewood; in response, a reserve was established in 2003 to preserve 3520 square kilometres of Diverse-leaved poplar.
Former water resources of the Tarim River and Lop Nur nurtured the kingdom of Loulan, an ancient Chinese civilization along the Silk Road, which skirted the lake-filled basin. Loulan became a client-state of the Chinese empire in 55 BC, renamed Shanshan. Once the lake also supported a thriving Tocharian culture. Archaeologists have discovered the buried remains of settlements, as well as several of the Tarim mummies, along its ancient shoreline. Marco Polo passed near the lake, and the explorers Nikolai Przhevalsky and Sven Hedin visited the area.


塔里木河:Tarim River
Tarim River is the principal river of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China.
Formed from the union of the Aksu and Yarkand rivers, it flows in an eastward direction around the Taklamakan Desert. It drains into Lop Nur, a series of salt lakes. Its total length is 2,090km (or 1,299 miles).
It is shallow, unsuitable for navigation, and because of its heavy silt load, forms a braided stream near its terminus. It gives its name to the arid Tarim Basin.


香妃墓:The Apak Hoja Mazzar (Xiangfei Tomb)
Apak Hoja Mazzar is located in Aizirete township, Naizerbag village 5 kilometers northeast of Kashi city. The cemetery was built in 1640, which is the largest and most influential Islamic burial place in Xinjiang. As it was said that the remains of the Qianlong emperor's "fragrant concubine" in Qing Dynasty was also buried there, it is also called "Xiangfei Tomb" by the Han nationality in Xinjiang, which is more popular home and abroad.

克孜尔千佛洞:Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves
Sixty kilometers (37.2 miles) east of Baicheng County, the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves sit on the cliffs on the northern bank of the Muzat River, 7 kilometers (4.34 miles) southeast of Kizil town. Cut the third century to eight or ninth century, the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves is the earliest Buddhist art treasure trove in China, even one century earlier than the famous Mogao Grottoes. Currently there are 236 coded caves in the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves, which are divided into west and inner valley and rear mountain areas extending to over 3 kilometers (1.86 miles).
The Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves are corridor of murals surpassing other existing caves in China in its abundance in content, quantity and long duration. The Caves are significant in Buddhism as well as in the history of Qiuci. Baicheng County, where the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves are located, used to be under the reign of ancient Qiuci (today's Kuqa). As a communication hub of the ancient Silk Road, Qiuci was the political and economic center of the West Region as well as the focal point of Central Asian and Indo-European cultures. Several facts support these in the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves. The earlier caves took the shape similar to Bamian Caves and the murals suggested the influence of Gandhara arts, a Buddhist visual art prevailing in today's Northwestern Pakistan and Eastern Afghanistan in First Century B.C. and Seventh Century A.D. The written documents from the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Cave were composed in Tocharian B language, a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium.


巴音布鲁克草原:Bayanbulak Grassland
Bayanbulak, a vast highland prairie about 270 kilometers (167 miles) northwest of Korla, is home to the descendents of Mongols who returned here from Russia one hundred years ago. The natural splendor of the area testifies to the accuracy of its Mongolian name which means "Rich Fountains". Bayanbulak's considerable water supply supports the luxurious grasslands, numerous varieties of multihued flowers, and hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep. You get a glimpse of the beauty of the area in the adjacent picture which also shows a yurt, the circular domed tent used by Mongolian nomads. Bayanbulak is the second largest grassland in China encompassing an area of 23 thousand sq. km.
Bayanbulak has the distinction of having the only nature reserve for swans in China and one of the largest swan reserves in the world. Here, thousands of swans from many different species live, play, and breed providing a uniquely wonderful opportunity to observe large flocks of graceful swans.This habitat area has a lake named Swan Lake. It is comprised of hundreds of small connected ponds that are fed by springs and streams and covers about 300 square kilometers (115 square miles). Swan Lake with its sparkling water, reedy marshes, and adjacent grasslands make it a perfect haven for swans and a visual delight for all people. Against the backdrop of the lake, its marshes, and the rich surrounding grasslands, visitors can observe the spectacle of thousands of swans in flight across the vast open sky. Nowhere else can you have this breathtaking experience of seeing the sky fill with a cloud of swans. Engaging a local guide who can help you navigate the sometimes tricky marshes and share interesting stories of the area will add greatly to your enjoyment of Swan Lake. Swan watching is at its height in May and June. If you can, you might consider planning your trip to coincide with Nadam Fair.

天鹅湖:Swan Lake (in Bayinbuluke)
Located on Bayinbuluke Grassland, Swan Lake comprises a total area of more than 300 square kilometers. A mountain wetland with a span of 30 kilometers from west to east and a width of 10 kilometers from north to south, in 1986 the area was designated as a state-level nature reserve for swans.
The months of May through October is considered the ideal season to visit Swan Lake. From May to June, thousands of swans merge with other migratory birds from India and southern Africa to soar over lofty ridges and towering mountains to settle down in Swan Lake. In September, the birds fly south again, but this time with their young. June is a time for swans to nest, and also the best time to view the lovely birds. Visitors are allowed to get close, providing they don't disturb or harm the swans. Because swans are considered to be holy by Mongolian herdsmen, any attempt to disturb, frighten or hunt the birds will anger the locals. Many breeds of swans visit Swan Lake, such as cygnus cygnus, cygnus columbianus and cygnus olor. And dozens of other rare birds put in an appearance, including the egretta garzetta and the bar-headed goose.


ruins of Loulan

Lop Nur

Swan Lake

Thousand Buddha Caves