
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 07:19:53
翻译一下这个句子 "弊大于利 中学生没有经济来源容易诱发一些不良行为。从当前说,会影响学习。 " 谢谢了

it will bring more harm than good.

For lack of economically support, high school students tend to get some bad behavior,which,currently, will affect their studies.

The disadvantage will surpass the advantage. The middle-school students without economic source will trigger some ill actions. To date, it will affect study.

Without economic harm secondary sources easily induced some bad behavior. From the current that will affect learning.

the disadvantage is more than the advantage.it is easy fot the middle scholl students to do some bad things when they have no financial income.and this will influence their study in this period

disadvantages more than advantages, students in Middle School have no income,which leads to illegal behavours.Therefore,it can affect study.