
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 02:31:37
In contrast to the pretreatment program, most aspects of the water-quality regula-
tory system are largely controlled at the state and federal levels. The NPDES system is
administered through the EPA; however, similar to many environmental statutes, most
states have assumed active management responsibilities, with the ERA maintaining an
oversight role. National effluent and pretreatment standards have been promulgated for
55 industry types (Table 6-2). However, facilities not associated with a specific category
must meet general discharge requirements intended to protect water quality.

Ambient-Water-Quality Control

In addition to a nationally based system of discharge controls based on industry types, a
second regulatory strategy is based on ambient water quality. Subject to federal review,
states are required to establish water-quality standards for intrastate waters. If discharge
standards are not sufficient to meet these ambient regulations, additional discharge stan-
dards must be imposed.

This system of water-quality control has resulted in substantial improvements in
water quality. Point sources of pollution have been controlled to such an extent that
much of the remaining pollution comes from nonpoint (or diffuse) sources. Nonpoint
pollution originates from a variety of small sources that in combination may result in
significant pollution; examples are agricultural storm water runoff carrying fertilizers
and pesticides and oil dripping from cars and trucks. The EPA estimates have indicated

相反的预先处理方案,多数方面的水质Regula-英国制基本上控制在联邦和州. 通过管理体制的NPDES环保局;
但是,许多类似的环境法规,多数国家都积极承担管理责任,并保持一个年代的监督作用. 国家标准已颁布和预先处理污水55类行业(表6:2). 但是,没有与特定设备类排放必须符合规定的一般性保护水质. 周围的水质控制在国家基础上增加了控制系统的基础上完成产业类型,第二个是基于战略管理的水环境质量. 受联邦检讨,国家必须建立水质标准的海域内. 如果没有足够的排放标准,以满足这些环境法规、排放标更多的决策必须实行. 这个系统水质控制造成水质大为改善. 点源污染得到控制,以至于许多来自其他污染来源无点(或分散). 无点污染来自各种来源的小,可能会造成严重的污染结合;
雨水径流携带的例子是农业肥料和农药,并从石油滴水轿车和卡车. 环保局表示估计

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与预处理节目对比, 多数水质regula- 的方面
tory 系统是主要受控的在状态和联邦级别。 NPDES 系统是
执行通过EPA; 但是, 相似与许多环境法规, 多数
状态承担了活跃管理责任, 以时代维护
失察角色。 全国流出物和预处理标准被公布了为
55 种产业类型(表6-2) 。 但是, 设施没与相关一个具体类别


除放电控制之外一个全国性基于的系统根据产业键入, a
其次管理战略根据四周水质。 依于联邦回顾,
状态必需建立水质标准为州内水。 如果放电
标准不是充足遇见这些四周章程, 另外的放电stan-
dards 必须被强加。

水质。 点污染源被控制了在某种程度上
许多剩余污染来自nonpoint (或散开) 来源。 Nonpoint
重大污染; 例子是农业风暴水决赛运载的肥料
并且杀虫剂和油水滴从汽车和卡车。 EPA 估计表明了