
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/04 22:47:28
{There were over 3000 people}(A){at the geological conference in Paris last spring}(B). {Most of participants were}(C) from Europe and North America, {but there were also quite a few}(D) from the Far East.

There is {a friend of John's}(A)who {seems to know}(B){everything about trees}(C).He can tell you the species and the approximate {age of most of trees}(D)that he encounters.

(1) C
应该是most of the participants were

去掉of 如果是特指某些树,那么这题该改为most of the trees,但是由于他知道非常多,没有说明是哪些树,因此不能这样改,只能把of去掉,most 修饰名词有两种形式:
most + n
most + of + the +n
本题如上所说的,只能用第一种most + n

{and there were also quite a few},由题目意思可知是并列关系.
{age of most trees}凭语感

1。 D
哪里有 quite a few 这种说法
a few 就是 a few

age of most trees

1.C 应是the participants,因为这是特指前面参加会议的3000人。
2.D 应是ages吧,我觉得应该和前面的species统一起来吧。

第一段:A Therewere 去掉,三千多人按照习惯来说不用 There be句型(期末考试的时候老师讲过,印象很深的)
第二段:B seems to know改成knows,不能说 John的一个朋友好像知道……应该用比较肯定语气