衢州国道351施工图纸:无锡气候的资料 (用英文表述)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 17:32:54

Wuxi municipal Northern subtropical monsoon climate zone. Ocean summer monsoon from the summer of control, the prevalence of southeast wind and the weather hot, rainy;
Winter controlled by the prevailing winter monsoon, winds from the north are;
Spring, autumn is the winter and summer winds at times, volatile spring weather, autumn is clear and refreshing autumn weather. Wuxi City climate characterized by : with four seasons, adequate heat, precipitation little rain hot with quarter disasters. Annual average temperature 15.6 degrees, the highest temperature of 38.9 degrees extreme, extreme minimum temperature of -12.5 degrees. Average annual precipitation 1079.3 mm, the annual average of 126 rainy days. Annual average sunshine hours of 1983.8 hours, except percentage 45%. July was the hottest year, the average monthly temperature of 28.0 degrees, the average monthly precipitation 157.7 mm of rain on average 12 days on average sunshine hours 216.5 hours, except percentage 50%. January is the coldest year, the average monthly temperature 2.9 degrees, the average monthly precipitation 42.3 mm of rain on an average of nine days, on average sunshine hours 134.7 hours, except percentage 42%. Frequent meteorological disasters have typhoons, rainstorms, even rain, drought, cold wave, hail and strong winds. Season perennial appeared in a June 15-July 10, torrential rains and even rain mixed with the characteristics is our most flood prone floods, and the most tense period. Because Taihu water and are advised Naqiu Mausoleum complex terrain of the mountain, isolated small diverse climatic conditions, demographic characteristics of the North-South agriculture, crop variety.
无锡市属北亚热带季风气候区。夏季受来自海洋的夏季季风控制,盛行东南风,天气炎热多雨;冬季受大陆盛行的冬季季风控制,大多吹偏北风;春、秋是冬、夏季风交替时期,春季天气多变,秋季则秋高气爽。 无锡市气候特征是:四季分明,热量充足,降水丰沛,雨热同季,灾害频繁。年平均气温15.6℃,极端最高气温38.9℃,极端最低气温-12.5℃。年平均降水量1079.3毫米,年平均雨日126天。年平均日照时数1983.8小时,日照百分率45%。一年中最热是7月,月平均气温28.0℃,月平均降水量157.7毫米,月平均雨日12天,月平均日照时数216.5小时,日照百分率50%。一年中最冷是1月,月平均气温2.9℃,月平均降水量42.3毫米,月平均雨日9天,月平均日照时数134.7小时,日照百分率42%。 常见的气象灾害有台风、暴雨、连阴雨、干旱、寒潮、冰雹和大风等。梅雨期常年出现在6月15日至7月10日,以其兼有暴雨和连阴雨的特点,是我市最易出现洪涝灾害和防汛最紧张的时期。由于受太湖水体和宜南丘陵山区复杂地形等的影响,局部地区小气候条件多种多样,具有南北农业皆宜的特点,作物种类繁多。