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来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 16:53:21

和谐校园、幸福人生(Harmonious Campus, Happy Life.)
The aims of the Office of Student Affairs are to establish a harmonious and vigorous campus culture, enhance the quality of life for the students, facilitate the students' growth with a wide-range of learning experiences, and encourage students to pursue their academic goals. The office consists of four divisions: the student Life Guidance, the Extracurricular Activities, the Center of Student Guidance, and the Division of Hygiene and Health Care. Each division has a division chief, and several assistants.

Division of Student Life Guidance

The Division of Student Life Guidance provides various student services. It supervises and maintains student dormitory life, promotes campus security and safety. It takes care of emergency counseling, disciplinary procedures, student complaints, and leaves of absence. To create a safe and warm university community, this division also carries out several education programs on traffic-safety, evacuating drill. In addition, it also helps students to complete all kinds of formalities on tuition deduction, such as the handicapped, and those whose parent(s) is/are the aboriginal, the soldiers, and the handicapped. This university supplies the students boarding and housing with modern facilities and comfortable eating environment. It furnishes service and guidance for students to adapt themselves satisfactorily to living and learning in the school campus.

The Center of Student Guidance

The aim of the Center of Student Guidance is to help the students to lead a happy life. The services of the Center are: personal guidance in learning and career planning, psychological counseling, related books and audio-video materials borrowing, internet guidance, encounter group, film viewing and analyzing etc. The Center aims at helping students to constitute a healthy and productive view of life.

The director of the center plans the programs of the Center and coordinates for the related guidance activities within and outside the university. The professional counselor engages in the client management, individual counseling, group guidance, and the carrying out of the programs of the Center. Three assistants of resources classroom for handicapped students provide students with a variety of activities and services.

Two part-time teachers assist administration and help with the activities of the Center and the related administrative jobs. One part-time psychiatrist, one part-time clinical psychologist, and nine voluntary guidance teachers, they are all enthusiastic in the guidance and counseling of the students, and mainly give lectures for the class hidden curriculum.

Division of Extracurricular Activities

This division undertakes the services of student extracurricular activities, the application of scholarships and work-study grants. To enrich the college life of the students, this university has 62 clubs and associations classified into such categories as academic researches, services, recreational relationships, and physical trainings. Unions or clubs are open to be organized when necessary. Students are thus given the opportunity to evolve leadership, art, and service potentials. Club-related programs such as leadership training, academic research, recreational activity are periodically offered. To help students cope with their financial burdens, this school provides low-income and financially needy students scholarships and work-study grants. In addition, scholarships provided for those talented in learning and technology are over 1,000 persons each year. They cost the school over 30 million N.T. dollars per academic year. This division also handles the student tuition loan from the government to help them to complete their university education smoothly.

Division of Hygiene and Health Care

This division furnishes services of sanitation and health care. This school provides very good medical services for students and staff members. It is in cooperation with nearby Chi-Mei Medical Center. Doctors are sent to school for medical treatments and sanitation/health advices. Besides, it is also further enhanced through special contracts with Yung Kang Veteran Hospital as well as several famous clinics for discount medical services. The health records of the students are computerized. This division promotes sanitation and health education through pamphlets, window exhibitions, posters, publication, audio-visual media, speeches and seminars.