
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 08:56:20
Passage B
Ma Li will have an interview for the office manager job tomorrow . She is now worried about what she should say during the interview, so she asks her neighbor Liu Lu, an experienced secretary, for help.
“Just be yourself,” says Liu Lu.
“ But that’s hard,” says Ma Li.
“Well, if you follow my advice, you’ll probably get the job,” Liu Lu says, “ Set out to be your homework . Find out about the company and gain some insight into what the requirements of the position are. Do an excellent job selling yourself and , without seeming to brag or being dishonest, convince the employer you have the sills and qualities that match the requirements. On top of that, make them believe you’ll fit in and be part of the team. You have to know what their company culture is like , what kind of people they are , and what kind of team you’ll be joining.
“I see your point. That sounds like a lot of work. Maybe more than I can do.” Ma Li still worries.
At last, Liu Lu says to her, “There’s an alterative----- be yourself and hope it fits what they want.”
True or false questions(判断正误,正确的标上T,错误的标上F)
( ) 1. Ma Li will have an interview next week.
( ) 2. Liu Lu will be the interviewer.
( ) 3.Ma Li will be interviewed for the post of the office manager job.
( ) 4.Ma Li is sure she will be successful in the job interview.
( ) 5. Liu Lu is an inexperienced secretary.
( ) 6. Liu Lu is an inexperienced secretary.
( ) 7. Ma Li understands what Liu Lu has said.
( ) 8. Liu Lu gives some good advice.
( ) 9. This passage is a diary.
( ) 10. Ma Li is not going to take the interview because of worries.


FFTFF FTTFF Can you tell me why Question 5 and 6 are the same thing?