越野沙滩车改装视频:耶酥受难日的英文为什么叫做 "Good Friday"

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 18:50:19

Good meant “holy” in early Christian times,即是“虔诚,神圣”的意思。
Good Friday is a holy day celebrated by Christians on the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus at Calvary. Special prayer services are often held on this day with readings from the Gospel accounts of the events leading up to the crucifixion. Mainstream Christian churches view Christ's crucifixion as a voluntary and vicarious act, and one by which, along with his resurrection on the third day, death itself was conquered.
Good Friday是复活节的前一个星期五,耶稣受难日。Good Friday其实是英语里对于这一天特殊的称呼。Good Friday其实也就是哀悼星期五。这一天耶稣被钉死于十字架上,因为他的门徒犹大出卖了他,人们哀悼这一天因为他们认为失去了一切。
Good 还有更深一层的意思Holy圣洁,在一些地方God和Good是可以相互交替使用的因为他们的相似性。有一个词组God be with you, 也就是今天我们所说的Good-bye. 所以说Good Friday(耶稣受难日)最初应该是God's Friday(上帝的星期五). 但是为什么叫Good Friday 因为基督徒认为耶稣受难甚至于死亡也不能淹没上帝的爱和对人类的慈悲和恩典。


耶稣星期五受难 而在口语中 good=god 所以你说 oh my good 也是我的天的意思
