
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 14:55:30
1、With the newspaper in hand, I circled three positions to apply for the next morning. Even if I was fortunate enough to get hired right away, I'd be lucky to receive anything above minimum wage.
2、What was the use anyway? Really, what chance did I have of selling a novel? Everyone said I had to know someone if I was ever to get published—an editor, an agent, someone in the business. I didn't, and that was just one more strike against me.

1. 手捧着报纸,我在上面圈了三个明早要面试的位置。就算我能侥幸被当场录取,但要拿到高于最低工资的薪水也只能靠运气了.

apply for 申请职位,但这里根据语境应翻成"面试".
fortunate 侥幸
lucky 靠运气了, 撞大运了

2.这到底有什么用呢?我把小说卖出手的可能性有多大呢?每个人都跟我说, 要想出书, 得有熟人 —— 比如编辑,代理商,或者出版界的什么人。我谁都不认识。这(无形中)又给我添了个不利条件。
strike: 不利条件 An unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic; a disadvantage: “[They] were trying to sell a movie with several strikes against it as a mass-audience ‘property’” (John Sayles).
