
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 10:58:57
The Painting Elves

It was wintertime and the world was feeling dull. It needed a good spring clean and all the colour elves were getting ready with their paints to brighten it up.
"I can't wait to start painting," said the Yellow Elf. "I'm going to paint the sun yellow."
"I can't wait to start painting," said the Green Elf. "I'm going to paint the grass green."
"And I can't wait to start painting" said the Red Elf. "I'm going to paint the flowers red."

"I'm not going to paint anything," said the Blue Elf, who was very grumpy.

"I'm just going to stay in bed all day!"

The Yellow Elf took her paintbrush and painted the sun yellow.
It shone and shone.

The Green Elf took his paintbrush and painted the grass green. It waved in the sunshine.

The Red Elf took her paintbrush and painted the flowers red.
They stood up happily in the sunshine but there was still something wrong.

The Yellow Elf, the Green Elf and the Red Elf all tried to work out what it was.
"I know," said the Yellow Elf.
"It's the sky, the sky has not been painted."
"That's right!" said the Green Elf.
"Do you think the Blue Elf is still in bed?"
"Let's go and see," said the Red Elf.

So they all went to see the Blue Elf.
"Come on, Blue Elf!" they said. "The grass is green, the flowers are red and the yellow sun is shining.
All we need is the blue sky."

The Blue Elf looked at all the colours. They shone and shone.
"Hurray!" said the Blue Elf and jumped out of bed.

She was so excited that when she had painted the sky blue, she decided to paint lots of other things blue too.

The End.

Why don't you look around your room. How many things can you see which are blue?

这是冬天并且世界感到愚钝。 它需要好春天干净并且所有颜色矮子准备好以他们的油漆照亮它。
"我无法等待开始绘,"黄色矮子说。 "我绘太阳黄色。"
"我无法等待开始绘,"绿色矮子说。 "我绘草绿色。"
"并且我无法等待开始绘" 说红色矮子。 "我绘花红色。"

"我不绘什么,"蓝色矮子说, 谁是非常脾气坏的。



绿色矮子采取了他的油漆刷和绘了草绿色。 它挥动在阳光下。


黄色矮子, 绿色矮子和红色矮子所有试验过制定出是什么它。
"这是天空, 天空未被绘。"

"进展, 蓝色矮子!"他们说。 "草是绿色的, 花是红色的并且黄色太阳发光。

蓝色矮子看所有颜色。 他们发光了和发光了。

她是很激动当她绘了天蓝色, 她决定绘许多其它事蓝色也是。


为什么不您神色在您的室附近。 多少件事您能看哪些是蓝色的?

"我迫不及待的要开始绘了,"黄色矮子说。 "我把太阳画成黄色的。"
"我迫不及待的要开始绘了,"绿色矮子说。 "我把草画成绿色的。"
"我也迫不及待的要开始绘了" 红色矮子说。 "我把花画成红色的。"




绿色矮子用他的油漆画了草,并涂成绿色。 它在阳光下挥动。



黄色矮子, 绿色矮子和红色矮子都试过去解决这个错误。
"是天空, 天空还没有被涂上颜色。"

"来, 蓝色矮子!"他们说。 "草绿了, 花红了,并且太阳发着黄色光芒。

蓝色矮子看所有颜色。 他们都发光了.

当她画上天蓝色时,她是很激动, 她决定去画更多蓝色的东西。

