
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 01:43:55

Welcome to the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center
To help CPAs meet the challenges of performing quality audits in this unique and complex area, the AICPA has established the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, a firm-based voluntary membership center for firms that audit employee benefit plans. Employee benefit plan audits include pension, health and welfare, and 401(k) plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Learn more about the Center, its mission, benefits, and requirements.
We welcome your feedback on ways we can make the Center more useful and valuable for you.
Membership Benefits
Learn about membership benefits in this video presentation. Learn More>>
Quality Counts for Your Plan's Financial Statement Audit
A quality audit of the plan's financial statements is important in order to instill the comfort millions are seeking. Learn More>>
Audit Quality & Auditor Selection
Federal law requires employee benefit plans with 100 or more participants to have an audit as part of their obligation to file an annual return/report (Form 5500 Series). Learn More>>
DOL's New Pension Audit Quality Enforcement Program
The DOL's Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) recently began a new enforcement initiative to monitor the quality of ERISA audits. Learn More>>
Browse the Member Alerts Archive.
View the Marketing Toolkit for Member Firms.
ERISA Audit Inventory and Staffing Schedule
Use this tool to help inventory your ERISA clients and schedule & staff your ERISA audit Engagements. Learn More>>
Upcoming Events
This section includes information on events relevant to auditors of employee benefit plans. Learn MoreObtaining Quality EBP Audit Services: The Request For Proposal and Auditor Selection Process This tool addresses each step of the proposal and evaluation process. It describes the Request for Proposal (RFP) contents and contains a checklist of items that should be considered in preparing an RFP. Learn More>>
To help CPAs meet the challenges of performing quality audits in this unique and complex area, the Center has assembled resources and tools in the following topical areas:
Accounting and Auditing
Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Audit Quality and Auditor Selection
Defined Contribution Pension Plans
EBPAQC News Alerts
Health and Welfare Plans
EBPAQC Primers
ing Toolkit for Member Firms

欢迎来到员工福利计划的质量审核中心 国家行动纲领,以协助应付审计工作质量这一独特而复杂的地区,建立执业员工福利计划的质量审核中心、企业自愿的基础上为会员公司中,员工福利计划的审核. 员工福利计划包括养老审计、卫生、福利、401(K)计划的雇员在退休收入保障法(ERISA)按照监管当局美国劳工部(DOL). 学习中心,它的使命、利益和要求. 我们欢迎您的反馈,我们就可以更有益和有价值这个中心为你. 聚光灯 会员好处 这个成员的利益,了解录像片. 学习"" 汶您计划的财务报表审计 质量审核计划的财务报表是重要的,以寻求发展注入了数以百万计的安慰. 学习"" 科学选择审计质量审核 联邦法律规定,雇员福利计划,有超过100人参加了审计,作为其义务提出每年返回/报告(5500系列组成). 学习"" DOL新的养老金计划执行审计质量 在DOL的员工福利保障行政部门(EBSA)近日开始实施一项新的主动监测ERISA审计质量. 学习"" 新闻通讯中心等 浏览会员档案警报. 行销工具,对成员企业. ERISA审计人员和盘存表 利用这一工具,协助客户库存ERISA你你ERISA审计人员,科学安排活动. 学习"" 即将举行的活动 本节还介绍有关审计事件职工福利计划. 审计服务质量EBP学习moreobtaining:招标甄选过程中,审计手段解决这一建议,每一步的评估过程. 它描述了招标书(RFP)的内容,包含了项目清单,应考虑制定一项招标. 学习"" 资源 国家行动纲领,以协助应付审计工作质量这个地区独特而复杂的工具和资源聚集中心的专题领域如下: 会计、审计 DOL/管理 界定福利退休计划 审计质量和审计师的选择 界定供款退休金计划 新闻EBPAQC29/1 卫生福利计划 火药EBPAQC 荷兰国际工具公司会员


欢迎来到Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center。
为了...我们建立了...。这是个...。...计划包括pension, health and welfare。