
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 21:18:55
我是一个在校学生,学的是信息管理与信息系统,老师要求交一篇专业相关的中英对照的文献(不要求是论文,只要是ERP, CRM,SCM,电子商务等相关的分析与研讨都行)希望大家帮帮忙。网上的请给出连接地址,谢谢。




使用图形化的方法,让开发者用最少的时间设计或修改企业工作流程,建模工具提供了相当丰富的流程逻辑表达方式,可以表示非常复杂的流程,和界面开发工具相结合可以轻易的设定每个流程步骤要执行的功能,和组织机构建模工具相结合,可方便准确地选择每个活动执行的参与者,通过资源管理服务进行设计结果的保存与打开,并进行一致性的有效控制。ProcessDesigner 最大的优点是:让开发人员在设计与仿真流程的过程中,避免复杂且耗时的流程程序开发过程。
4) 企业应用开发框架(SynchroFrame)
5) 企业消息平台 (SynchroIQ)
针对企业内部的信息即时沟通推出的智能即时消息系统。SynchroIQ使得企业内部人员之间通过计算机可以实时沟通,并进行资料的交换传输。由于其即时性,它比邮件更迅速,更具交互性,更具亲和力。必将成为未来的主流办公工具。SynchroIQ能够进行在线状态监测,即时发送/接收消息,广播消息,个人资料查询,修改,部门分组/自定义分组,即时存储对话纪录,更改字体/样式/格式、传送文件等。SynchroIQ能够与工作流产品SynchroFLOW无缝集成,使得用户能够即时得到自己的待办工作,并且即时处理。它的最大的优点是: 简单实用,和工作流SynchroFLOW无缝集成,可跨平台运行。
6) 迁移工具(Import-Export Tool)

运行服务器(Enactment Server)
它是应用控制和运行的中心,负责解释、控制并协调各种复杂工作流程的执行并且同步各个客户端的反应。 为客户端和监控管理提供所需服务。运行服务器包括的服务包括监控管理服务(Monitor and Manager)、工作流仿真服务(Simulate)、数据库服务(Db Service)、工作项服务(WorkList Service)、消息服务(Message Service)、日志服务(Log Service)、装载服务(Load Service)、垃圾回收服务(Rubbish Service)
1)监控管理(Monitor and Manager)
3)数据库服务(Db Service)
提供通用数据服务层,目前支持市场流行的所有数据库例如:Oracle、Sql Server、Sybase、DB2…。
4)工作项服务(WorkList Service)
5)消息服务(Message Service)
6)日志服务(Log Service)
7)装载服务(Load Service)
8)垃圾回收服务(Rubbish Service)

提供了基于JMS(Java Message Service)消息服务,用户可以通过JMS消息服务器访问、操作工作流服务;


随着电子商务的兴起,以各种各样的门户站点为基础的网上交易在持续快速发展。在美国,逐渐成为主要的交易方式。网上交易是20世纪最主要的技术成就之一,它将改写商业规则,引发21世纪商业领域革命性的变化。在B2C的应用中,大量的用户通过网站上网购买商品,请求服务,订购书籍,支付费用,企业为了谋取更大的利润,提供更好的个性服务,和内部业务更好地配合, 需要对不同种类的大量用户需求采用不同种类流程,及时作出响应,没有工作流系统是过不可能及时处理这样大量的个性化用户需求。在B2B应用中,通过工作流把企业与企业之间、企业内部的业务流程有机地集成起来,使得企业与企业之间的业务往来畅通无阻,并在企业内部得到及时有效的处理,做到零库存,按需生产和服务。不同企业有不同情况,这种业务流程千差万别,这恰是工作流的用武之地,能够快速地开发具有很大灵活性的应用系统。工作流在这一应用领域市场前景无限。

产品所提供的各项优越功能,可以让企业投资在建设SynchroFLOW 应用上的费用在短期内快速回收. 而回收的速度则完全取决于企业内工作流程自动化的应用深度和广度。工作流程自动化后效率提升所产生的利润以及因之而降低的各项人工成本,远远超过在建设SynchroFLOW自动化工作流程系统时所需的费用。
SynchroFLOW系统能够有力的集成企业内部现有的个人计算机、应用系统及电子邮件系统等各种资源达到各种流程自动化的需求.通过 SynchroFLOW 强大的整合能力,可以将企业以前所投资的各种设备及系统做一个完整的有机结合,有效的提升企业的生产、品质及获利能力。
1) 自动化工作流程可以大幅降低纸张文件的需求以及传递文件所需的额外人力负担。
2) 通过浏览器和数据库把各种信息方便地展现给用户,让内部信息的流动及传递更加迅速准确。
3) 工作流程自动化后可以自动将企业内流转的各种文件及经验知识自动保存,不会因人为的疏失而遗漏
4) 企业流程自动化系统建成之后,所有的流程运作就会按照既定的规则运转到相关部门执行或审核。
5) 通过SynchroFLOW系统,主管可完全掌握各项工作的执行状态,若工作发生延误时, 系统会自动发出通知,提醒相关人员目前该工作执行的状况。
6) 各项流程自动化后,可将现有的人力资源做更有效的运用,以达人尽其材的最大效果。
7) 工作流程自动化后,许多工作将根据条件的不同而自动触发运行,提高了任务的执行速度,降低了人力成本以及由人参与所带来的低效和不公。
8) 建立在SynchroFLOW基础之上的工作流应用系统,具有极大的灵活性,能够根据企业业务流程的变化方便地作出调整,最大限度地保护已有投资。
9) 优化业务流程,提高并行程度,降低管理成本,缩短客户服务的响应时间,增强业务处理的透明度
SynchroFLOW提供的监控管理子系统让您轻松而快速的追踪各项工作的进度,不论是采购订单还是零件装配或是任何一项您要了解其执行进度的工作,您不须再派人去各单位现场了解情况或是到处打电话追问实际执行情况如何? SynchroFLOW会用直观的图形来表示所有工作的执行状况,让您可以轻松地找出在那一个步骤出了问题.这个功能不但节省您宝贵的时间,更能在最短的时间内让您的主管或是客户得到最正确的答案。
1) 企业组织机构的设置在执行各项工作时的效率是否合理? 岗位设置是否有必要?
2) 各项工作流程所耗费的成本和获利是否合乎预期目标? 是否能改善业务流程以降低成本?
3) 在所有流程执行时,最大的瓶颈在哪儿?是否可以针对问题提出有效的改进方法?
4) 根据这些实际的统计数据,我们是否能有效改善业务流程以满足客户的需求?
1) SynchroFLOW作为一种中间件产品,将彻底降低最终应用开发成本,提高开发生产力,增强系统的稳定性.提高系统的运行效率和可扩展性。
2) SynchroFLOW实现了业务逻辑的自动运转,使应用开发者把开发的重点放在每个活动单元的处理上,而不用考虑复杂业务流程的编程。
3) SynchroFLOW为每一个业务步骤的处理提供了界面生成工具,报表设计工具,使应用开发者为每个活动的处理几乎不用编程,就能完成每个业务步骤的应用开发。
4) SynchroFLOW提供的这种自动编程能力,使应用开发速度快,能将需求直接转化为程序逻辑,提高应用开发效率60%。
5) SynchroFLOW作为企业应用开发的基础平台,将极大的降低企业应用系统的建设成本。

Management information system

The ?? management information system is a calculator to apply at a practical technique that manage the realm.It synthesizes to make use of to manage science, mathematics with the applied principle in calculator with method, is next at the principle that match the software engineering norm, became the complete theories in oneself to learn the system with the method.
The this curricular and main contents in? in? has:Management information system of concept and low 晨 in⑾ in side in硇 in芾 of ⒐ of А of ㄑ of 椒 of ⒎ of ? of low 晨 in⑾ in side in硇 in芾 in⒐ in ? in基 in的 in统 in系 in息 in信 in理 in管 in立 in construction, 建?⒐ the ? talks the 鹘 the 锥 the 蔚 the 娜 the 挝 the 裼 the 爰 on the occasion of roughly 肮 of 咭 of ぞ of 牍 of steelyard of 肪 of ⒒ of ? of low 晨 of ⑾ of side of 硇 of 芾 of ⒐ of 酢芾硇畔⑾低车慕?沟取
Our a world for living with unprecedented speed at changes, but changes the complicacy of the degree, need the global business enterprise makes the most of the modern technology, then can keep up with the ages.Face the fierce competition, profits shrinkage directly but circumstance that cost rise higher and higher, many business enterprises starts putting forward the workflow automates to give a new life with business enterprise the need of the engineering, the hope is done by inner part to rise, shortenning process homework time, the fast reaction market requires with with customer, supervising and control the work degree of progress effectively, enhancing the internal information the communication deliver the efficiency, analyzing the process homework cost and dead angle, reduce the otiose post establishes, from but lower the management cost effectively, promote the business enterprise decision respond ability.Operate the artificial the smooth information in process turn with automate, having become the key of the future the rise and fall in many business enterprises.

The SynchroFLOW is used as an inside a product, flow the automation for the business enterprise work to gave a new life to provide a foundation terrace with the business enterprise process, set up in the SynchroFLOW on of business enterprise application system, will satisfy the above request, bring the new vitality for your business enterprise.
The product constitutes
Design principle
Business process automation solution that concentrate on the business enterprise, give a new life the solid foundation in offering terrace for business process automation and business enterprise processes of the business enterprise, become foundation terrace product and business enterprise processes of the business enterprise business process automation that commerce be in the lead the core product that give a new lifes.
The emollient simplification applies the step of the development, lowering the difficulty of the application development, increasing applied efficiency and vivids of the development, economy application the cost of the development, from but biggest of exaltation application the productivity of the development.
Development platform
The system provided below a few developments tool, constitute an organic the whole together.

1) the process sets up the mold tool( ProcessDesigner)
The sketch that use the method turns, letting the developer use minimal time design or modification business enterprise workflow, set up the mold tool provided very abundant of the process logic expresses way, can in token of very complicated of process, develop with interface the tool combines together can then easy enactment each process step wants the executive function, with organize the organization sets up the mold tool combines together, convenient choose each participant that activity carry out accurately, pass resources management the service proceeds the conservancy that design the result with open, combine the valid control of proceeding consistence.Biggest advantage in ProcessDesigner is:Step aside the hair in design with imitate true process of process, the personnel avoids the complicacy and consumes the process procedure of the hour the development the process.
2) assistance development tool( FormDesigner)
The system provides the similar sketch that design to turn the application development tool in the page, the customer can use the sketch turns to design the method, developping a dynamic page applied, its the result can keep for html or jsps, combining to have database interview ability.While circulating, the customer will visit the design result from the browser.It of biggest advantage is:Step aside the hair the personnel simplified the process of development, accelerates procedure the plait writes the speed, folio hair the personnel lowered the difficulty of development, lowering the cost of development of the item biggest with support the cost.
3) the customer carries to manage the tool( ClientManager)
The customer carries to manage tool as the customer provides to include the customer carries the process adjusts to try the frame to carry to supervise and control with the customer the process manages, a process for carrying process adjusting trying frame as developer providing a simple and convenient process trying movement environment, customer can development announces and should adjust to try the frame inside, realizing the convection distance start, terminate, settle start, compete the work a choice and treat to do an etc. function, the convenience uses easily;The customer carries to supervise and control the process the management to provided to include the buildup organization the definition for the customer, the safety manages, applying the procedure the management, the process supervises and control management etc. function.Organizing the organization can define the unit in the buildup, role, person, and the convenience specifies three it a process for of relation convenience easily using, process supervising and control management as developer with system supporting personnel providing first can seeing turning supervises and control the interface, the convenience keeps the view, very easy to usage;Safe management the management is to flows to call of adjusting and trying the environment provided a safety management mechanism;Applying procedure management as the developer provided the automatic activity, clock activity, exterior the application procedure, Form form and list etc. various the resources of developments unifies the management.It of biggest advantage is:The construction is clear and use in brief and easily, providing the united resources maintenance environment for the developer.
4) business enterprise application development frame( SynchroFrame)
Business enterprise application the development frame provided for the customer an all new application announces the frame, the each business that can will develop expediently orders to hang to connect, taking to set up the business enterprise application quickly.And provided the abundant the module of development, accelerate, the application develops to gather with application.Include as follows function:Organize organ





