盐度计使用方法与看法:Pop culture and a real man- do you think pop culture

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/04 21:02:01
题目:Pop culture and a real man- do you think pop culture
300 words 左右

好怪的问题. 我给你写了几段。我不是很清楚你老师具体是要个什么东西。我不知道pop culture 和 real man有什么关系,我就使劲给你连接了。
It takes a real man to appreciate pop culture. In pop culture, most people only see it for the drama of it, the rumors, scandals, and album sales. But pop culture is so much more. This is why I say that it takes a real man to appreciate pop culture.

In pop culture, unlike rock or rap, artists usually do not write the music themselves. This results in lots of people looking down on pop artists, labeling them with lack of skill. However, we all know that a man with no skill will never become a pop artist. A pop artist may not have to know how to write a song, but he/she does have to know how to dance, perform, and connect with the fans.

When people mention pop culture, they intuitively think of who's best dressed, and who's the newest "celebrity couple". What people don't realize, is the pressure and workload these artists endure being under the limelight 24/7.

Pop culture is always there for people to criticize, but it's takes a real man to appreciate it.