
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 17:30:34
1.昨天我妈妈做了早饭. 2.熊宝宝指着那个女孩. 3.上个月我爸爸领我去了北京动物园. 4.我不认为金凤花姑娘决定回家. 5.她不喜欢椅子,因为它们很不舒服. 6.很久以前,这个山村住着一个医生.

1.My mother prepared the breakfast yesterday.
2.The bear baby pointed at that girl.
3.My father took me to the Beijing Zoo last month.
4.I don't think Miss Jing Fenhua dicides to go home.
5.She doesn't like chairs, because they aren't confortable at all.
6.Long long ago , there lives a doctor in this village.

1.My mother cooked breakfast yesterday.
2.The bear baby pointed to that girl.
3.My father brought me to the Beijing Zoo the last month.
4.I don't think that Jin Fenghua dicide to return home.
5.She dislikes the chairs because they are not comfortable.
6.Long time ago, there was a doctor lived in this village.