
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 02:00:45
确保可持续发展已经被提升为ITAC2015四大战略之一,我们的目标是要将可持续发展融入到所有的日常管理中。承担企业社会责任的内容是非常广泛的,ITAC努力从保护环境,善待员工,与客户共同发展到社会公益等全方位发展。以健康、安全,环保的管理为例,ITAC大中华区有77名专职和97名兼职人员负责健康、安全,环保(Health, Safety, Environment)的管理。虽然企业社会责任的范围远远大于社会公益和捐赠,但是公益活动和捐赠仍然是一个重要的组成部分。ITAC不仅热心公益活动,而且不仅仅停留在捐赠层面。我们认真选择项目那些我们能够最大限度增加价值,给更多的人带来影响。ITAC遍布全国的各运营单位和分支机构均有各种捐赠和公益活动, 以如下简单列举的几个项目为例,至今总投入约约达:4000万人民币。

中国肯德基品牌总经理朱宗毅(Mark Chu)首先向美国肯德基州州长付利之(Ernie Fletcher)及夫人一行15人汇报了肯德基在中国的发展情况:1987年11月12日,肯德基在北京前门开设了其在中国的第一家餐厅,成为跨国连锁餐饮企业在中国开设的第一家西式快餐厅,从此一发不收,进入中国18年来,餐厅遍及除西藏以外所有省级行政区的280多个城市,拥有员工10万多人。特别是在2004年12月14日,第1200家餐厅在海南三亚开业之后,肯德基在中国实现了餐厅数量超越竞争对手麦当劳一倍的战略目标,当年再次以百亿以上的年营业额雄踞中国餐饮业之首。

Guarantee that sustainable development has already been promoted as one of the ITAC2015 four great strategies, our goal is to incorporate sustainable development in all everyday control. The content of bearing enterprise's community responsibility is very extensive, ITAC makes great efforts from protect the environment, treat the staff kindly, develop into social public good to wait for and develop with the customer omni-directionally together. With health, security, management of environmental protection example, ITAC Greater China district have 77 to be full-time and 97 part-time personnel are responsible for the health , security, management of environmental protection (Health , Safety , Environment ). Though the range of enterprise's community responsibility is greater than social public good and present far far, but public activity and component of presenting a importance of remaining. ITAC not only enthusiastic public activity, stay in aspect of presenting not merely. We choose project we those can the maximum add value conscientiously, bring influence to more persons. ITAC every unit of operation and branch spreading over the whole country have various kinds of presenting and public activities , taking the following several projects enumerated briefly as an example, total input is nearly reached so far: 40 million RMB.

Dekie , brand general manager Zhu ZongYi of China Kenya (Mark Chu) Dekie's development in China that at first to report Kenya to Dekie , state governor Fu Li of U.S.A. Kenya (Ernie Fletcher ) and a group of 15 of wife: On November 12 , 1987, Qianmen in Beijing , Dekie of Kenya , opened its first restaurant in China, become the first Western-style snack bar where the food and beverage enterprise of the transnational chain opens in China, sending accepting from then on, had entered China over the past 18 years, the restaurant spread all over more than 280 cities of all provincial administrative areas besides Tibet, there are more than 100,000 staff. Especially on December 14 , 2004, 1200th restaurant after open in Sanya of Hainan, Kenya Dekie realize restaurant quantity surmount rival McDonald time of strategic objectives in China, the first of Chinese catering trade that in that year to crouch with more than ten billion annual sales volume heroes again.