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来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/13 17:51:58
摘要: 随着我国加入WTO,我国企业所遭受的反倾销指控愈演愈烈,已成为国际反倾销的最大受害国,其主要原因之一我国缺乏反倾销会计信息平台和会计举证的诉讼支持系统,本文就目前我国遭遇的严峻的反倾销形势,通过对国际反倾销法中有关会计规则的解读,结合国内企业在反倾销调查中存在的主要问题,对反倾销会计问题进行了必要的探讨,并提供了相应的对策。

(会计学论文摘要,谁能帮我翻译成英文啊? 急~~~~ 谢谢啊? 要翻译得流畅点,我自己用好几款翻译软件试过,但都觉得不是很好,谁能帮我翻译得流利点? )

我国加入WTO: China's entry into WTO
反倾销 : Anti- dumping

Since China's entry into WTO, the anti-dumping accusations recieved by Chinese enterprises have been worse and worse, and China encounters more anti-dumping than any other nation in the world. One of the main reason is the lack of anti-dumping fiscal platform and lawsuit supporting system quoted by accountants. For the strict anti-dumping situation encountered by China, this paper discusses necessarily anti-dumping fiscal problem through unscrambling of relative fiscal rules in International Anti-dumping Laws, combined with the main problems present in the Anti-dumping surveys of Chinese enterprises, and provided with relative countermeasures.

Following China's accession to the WTO, China's enterprises suffered serious allegations of anti-dumping has become the biggest victim of international anti-dumping One of the major reasons for our lack of anti-dumping accounting information platform and accounting litigation support systems of proof, this is my experience on the tough anti-dumping situation, through anti-dumping laws relating to international accounting rules interpretation in the context of anti-dumping investigations of domestic enterprises are some of the major problems of anti-dumping accounting issues necessary to explore and provide a corresponding response.

Since China's entry into WTO, the anti-dumping accusations recieved by Chinese enterprises have been worse and worse, and China encounters more anti-dumping than any other nation in the world. One of the main reason is the lack of anti-dumping fiscal platform and lawsuit supporting system quoted by accountants. For the strict anti-dumping situation encountered by China, this paper discusses necessarily anti-dumping fiscal problem through unscrambling of relative fiscal rules in International Anti-dumping Laws, combined with the main problems present in the Anti-dumping surveys of Chinese enterprises, and provided with relative countermeasures.