
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/06 11:19:01
But it is difficult to turn around behemoths on a dime. And notwithstanding measures taken to streamline their operations, the large Chinese banks are still massive by any standards—with hundreds of thousands of employees and tens of thousands of branches in far-flung areas. This makes the reform process a logistical challenge. Furthermore, rooting out the legacy of government-directed lending, and training banks to make lending decisions based purely on commercial considerations, with adequate regard to viability and riskiness of projects, remains a major reform challenge. The recent liberalization of lending rates, which will allow banks to price risk appropriately, should improve the commercial orientation of banks’ lending practices.



但不久就难以回头一毛钱. 即使采取措施精简业务,中国银行还大,任何大规模的标准,数十万员工,以及数以万计的分支机构在遥远的地区. 这使后勤改革进程的挑战. 此外,从根本上铲除了传统的政府直接贷款和培训,使贷款银行决定纯粹是商业上的考虑,在充分考虑可行性和风险的项目,是一项重大改革的挑战. 最近的贷款利率自由化,这将使银行风险适当的价格,提高商业性银行贷款的做法.