
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 23:01:44
In this article, we have attempted to define a framework that brings together the multiple dimensions of integrating technology with the learning process. Our goal is to establish the relationships among the various dimensions of instructional objectives, delivery system, and learning outcomes (see Figure 3). This is done with the aim of identifying the need for and laying a foundation for controlled studies that contribute meaningful inputs to the open question on the effectiveness of technology on learning outcomes. Only through systematic research and assessment will we identify the appropriate technologies to deliver specific learning objectives and materials. This framework was developed to provide some guidance in the development of this research agenda.
We identify that this is but a first stage in providing meaningful answers to these questions. We submit that additional work must be completed in reviewing the previous and current research that contributes to the matrix identified and, consequently, which areas of the matrix remain open for future assessment. Jones and Paolucci (1997) identify that less than 5% of research completed to date may contribute in this respect; this finding leaves substantial work for the future. In fact we argue that it is this lack of research addressing the specific mix of the dimensions discussed that warrants this type of academic discourse. Additionally, we agree that although this framework addresses the teaching--learning process and the potential for technology to contribute to the system, it ignores what may be a major consideration that at some point must be considered in a full multidimensional analysis: cost-effectiveness. Given the investment in technology, we must at some level consider the incremental cost of adding technology to the process and the value added to the learning outcomes by the expenditures made. This may indeed be the most difficult of all dimensions to assess.

在这篇文章中,我们尝试确定了框架,集合多种技术层面的整合与学习的过程. 我们的目标是要建立与各方面的教学目标,提供系统、学习成果(见图3). 这样做的目的是查明需要和控制奠定了基础研究的投入,以促进有意义的效力问题,公开技术对学习成果. 只有通过系统地研究和评估才能确定具体的学习目标,提供适当的技术和材料. 在此框架内制定的发展提供一些指导这项研究计划. 我们查明,这只是第一阶段,提供有意义的答案. 我们认为,更多的工作必须完成,审查过去和目前的研究,有助于确定矩阵,因此该地区的矩阵评估未来开放. Paolucci(1997年)和30种鉴定,不到5%,迄今已完成研究会在这方面作出贡献; 这一重大发现使未来的工作. 事实上,我们认为这是不研究解决各种具体问题的讨论,这种学术讨论状. 此外,我们也认为尽管这个框架针对教学--学习过程与技术的可能性,以帮助系统,它可能会成为主要的考虑是,在某些时候,必须充分考虑多方面分析:成本效益. 由于技术投资,必须在一定程度上增加成本考虑增加的过程和技术附加值,以学习成果的支出. 这可能是最困难的全方位评估. .