
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 09:16:03
摘要:日本当代作家村上春树(1949— )1979年以一部《且听风吟》获得日本“群像新人奖”,而让其蜚声海内外的作品则是那部1987年发表的长篇小说《挪威的森林》。他的作品不仅在日本国内受到关注,更是赢得了亚洲许多国家乃至西欧国家读者的广泛欢迎,一度形成“村上春树现象”。

关键词:村上春树 现实世界 非现实世界 现实性

我试试啊~ 好象只有大概的…本人尽力了……T-T (you will fine a expert to help you best if it is so important.)

The Japaneas writer ChunJia shangshu (in the 1949's to--? )won the "all the people of a new type"prise for his <<listenning the wind singing>>(?) & his well-known long novel is《挪威的森林》。His book was not only looking by Japaneas,but also by many coutries even though the west,so it become the "Cunshangchun phenomenin"
his works were liked by mostly of the reader,beacouse it has a nice plan & createvety(?).In most of his xx,he maked a fact world & also a unpractical world, though these two world’s describe, it point analysing the reality.

疯, 这么多,没悬赏分谁会帮你啊