质量效应3莉亚拉 本子:莎士比亚英文资料

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/10 12:05:17

Year 1564-Year 1616 The great English playwright, poet William Shakespeare was born in England in 1564 Stratford town. Although he received a good basic education, but not in a university. Shakespeare at the age of 18 with a 26-year-old woman married, he was under 21, have three children.

Years later he came to London and became a performer and playwright. He turns, renowned composers, has become four years after the eminent British theater. In the ensuing decade he wrote "Confucian slightly Julius Caesar", "Othello", "Maikebai" and "King Lear" this masterpiece. Shakespeare lived in London for more than 20 years, and during this period his wife still stayed bases. He goes on to describe the return of human remains, in Stratford. 1616 Shakespeare in his 52 birthday and untimely death. His descendants have been cut cases equally.

Shakespeare to the world of theatre left 37, including some he co-wrote with others of the general peoples playwriting. In addition, he wrote the first sonnet 154 and three or four heads of poetry.

On Shakespeare's genius, achievements and reputation, his name has not appeared in the list of top somewhat bizarre. I put Shakespeare platoon so low, not because I do not appreciate his artistic achievements, but I think the literary figures generally smaller influence on human history. Religious leaders, scientists, politicians, explorers, philosophers or inventors activities often affect many other areas of human endeavor. For example, scientific progress on economic and political issues have had a tremendous impact and influence of religious, philosophical views and the development of the arts. A famous artist, while the artist's works may later influence, but his music and literature may have minimal impact on the expedition and other areas of human endeavor is in fact no impact at all. Similar statements are also suited for the poet, playwright and music composer. Generally, only arts and influential figures in fact only that they are engaged in the field of special influence. It is for this reason that not a single literary, musical or artistic figure classified into 10 first three quarters, and only a few figures were included in the list.

In all of Shakespeare's leading literary figures, this seems simple : no. Relatively speaking, very few people talk about today Qiaosou, Virgil, and even Hema works, but staged a Shakespeare drama, certainly many viewers. Shakespeare's genius is the creation of terminology unparalleled, and his words are often quoted -- even he has never seen or read the drama. Besides his reputation is not short. He works for nearly 400 years has been to bring many happy readers and commentators. As Shakespeare's works have been accepted in the test of time, so in future too century will be universally welcomed, this speculation seems reasonable.

Shakespeare's works have been translated into many types of literature, many countries have read his books, he staged the drama.

Shakespeare,William (1564-1616)
English poet, dramatist, and actor, considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time, the first to mixed public embracing almost all levels of society. Some of Shakespeare’s plays, such as HAMLET and ROMEO AND JULIET, are among the most famous literary works of the world.
悲剧则说明理想与残酷的现实之间难以解决的矛盾。揭露了在 资本原始积累时已开始出现的社会罪恶和资产阶级的利己主义,表现了人文主义思想和残酷现实之间的矛盾。