程愫 历史的使命:谁知道英语笑话阿?简单点的

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 07:11:00

One girl went to the preacher and confessed her sin.

Girl: Father, I have sinned.

Preacher: What did you do, little girl¡

Girl: Yesterday, I called a man a son of a Bitch.

Preacher: Why¡ What did he do to you¡

Girl: He touched my breast.

Preacher: You mean like this¡ (The guy did it.)

Girl: (A little shy from the touch) Yes.

Preacher: Thats no reason to call him that.

Girl: But he also took off my cloth.

Preacher: You mean like this¡ (He did it again.)

Girl: Yes, thats what he did.

Preacher: Thats still no reason to call him that.

Girl: And he put his you-know-what into my you-know-what...

Preacher: (evil laugh...) You mean like this¡ (And you-know-what)

Girl: (After a few minutes...) Ugh... Yeah, thats what he did...

Preacher: My dear girl, thats still no reason to call him a...

Girl: But he had AIDS!!

Preacher: THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!


A Girl Just Like Mother

No matter which girl he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice.

“Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to like her.

So the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl.He told his friendly adviser:

“Just like you said, I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed, and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her”

“So,”asked the friend,“what happened?”

“Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her