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来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/14 12:18:02
小说中的三个主人公都身负罪恶,然而他们的结局因其对于罪恶的态度不同而相异:白兰诚实而坦白地正视罪恶, 以公开受辱的形式接受惩罚,以德行洗刷罪恶, 终于获得新生,他虽然暗中负罪行善,饱经良心的谴责,但他在最后关头揭去了自己清白的面纱,因而依然得到了人们的谅解,其灵魂得到了净化,它急于复仇,丧心病狂地从别人的痛苦中得到变态的满足,一步步地从一个受害者变成了十足的魔鬼的化身,霍桑在这里宣扬的其实是清教徒"负罪行善"的善恶观,他认为任何严酷的惩罚和无情的报复都无助于消灭罪恶,唯一有效的方法便是白兰的"认罪-孤立-忏悔-抑恶-行善-回归社会"的苦难历程.

In novel three leading characters all bodies negative evil, however their result is different because of it regarding the evil manner and different: The michelia alba is honest honestly faces up to the evil, to the form which publicly is insulted accepts the penalty, by Morals the scrubbing evil, finally obtains the new student, he although takes the blame to do good deeds in secret, full after conscience condemnation, but he pulled away own pure veil in the final moment, thus still obtained people's forgiveness, its soul obtained the purification, it eagerly took revenge, crazed obtained the metamorphosis from others' pain satisfying, one turned the full devil incarnation from a victim, Hawthorne has publicized in here actually is step by step Puritan "takes the blame to do good deeds" good and evil view, He thought any severe penalty and the heartless retaliation all not help to the elimination evil, the only effective method then is michelia alba's "acknowledges guilt - the isolation - confession - to damp wickedly - does good deeds - the return society" misery course

The three leading character in the novel is charged with evil, but because of the outcome of their criminal attitude that vary : Bai Lan honest and frankly face criminal to accept punishment in the form of public humiliation to getting away evil, and finally rebirth, while he secretly feels good, swallowed his conscience, But he looked at the last moment Jiequ ho thoughts about taking off? thus still be people's understanding of their soul has been purified, it was revenge, frantically others suffering from the disorder are met step by step from a victim into a full devil in disguise. Hosang is here to promote the ideas of "guilt doing" good and evil outlook, he believed that any harsh punishment and merciless retaliation would not be conducive to the eradication of evil, the only effective way is Bai Lan "confession - isolation-repent-curb evil-doing - reintegration" of the suffering course.

The three leading character in the novel is charged with evil, but because of the outcome of their criminal attitude that vary : Bai Lan honest and frankly face criminal to accept punishment in the form of public humiliation to getting away evil, and finally rebirth, while he secretly feels good, swallowed his conscience, But he at the last minute Jiequ their innocence veil, and thus still be people's understanding of their soul has been purified, it was revenge, frantically others suffering from the disorder are met step by step from a victim into a full devil in disguise. Hosang is here to promote the ideas of "guilt doing" good and evil outlook, he believed that any harsh punishment and merciless retaliation would not be conducive to the eradication of evil, the only effective way is Bai Lan "confession - isolation-repent-curb evil-doing - reintegration" of the suffering course.