
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 09:57:38


People think much of privacy because it is the reflection of social demand for individual, family or community. In Chinese traditional culture, Chinese can not claim no privacy but think that individuals belong to one community, and solidarity, friendship and mutual concern should be attached with great importance, therefore, Chinese are always willing to know others' joys and sorrows of life, and others are also willing to confide what has happened. In general, some privacies of Chinese or people from other countries are neither sensitive nor considered. It is a common practice for Chinese to ask about the age in communication. They always ask how much others earn per month or even whether they have savings.

2. “中国人或他人的一些隐私是不敏感也不顾及的。”在这个句子中,“他人”我的理解是“其他国家的人”(如果你一定要用他人的话),如果你不是这个意思,我的建议是把“或他人”除了,直接说“中国人的一些隐私是不敏感也不顾及的。”
3. “储蓄和存款”这两个词在英语中都是savings的意思,故只要用一个词翻译即可。