
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/13 18:21:03
那位帮帮忙 听听这首歌是什么名字 谁唱的?


歌名:Number One (不是to be number one)
专辑: Louder Than Hell (1996)

We belong to the world we belong to the wind
We are the spirit of the competition's end
Turning hours into days burning muscles feel the pain
The heart and soul of discipline my friends

We are sending you a challenge it's very clear
We came to win that is why we are here
Demanding to be tested, tested by the best
Not to be forgotten like all the rest

The time has come all the training done
The muscle and the blood will come to pay

Let the game begin hear the starting gun
Play from the heart today we will overcome
When the game is over all the counting's done
We were born to win number 1

Today is the day all the training through
We have come for the number one not the number two
Let the contest begin play hard fight to win
Immortality victory and fame

The time has come all the training done
The muscle and the blood will come to pay

Let the game begin hear the starting gun
Play from the heart today we will overcome
When the game is over all the counting's done
We were born to win number 1

Today is the day all the training through
We have come for the number one not the number two
Let the contest begin play hard fight to win
Immortality victory and fame

Let the game begin hear the starting gun
Play from the heart today we will overcome
When the game is over all the counting's done
We were born to win number 1

成军将近20年融合欧式及美式精华的重金属猛团Manowar创团元老贝斯手Joey DeMaio原本是Black Sabbath的音控师,81年在一场英国纽塞的演唱会上与当时是Shakin Street吉他手的Ross the Boss一见如故后便有组Manowar的念头,后来主唱Eric Adams与鼓手Donny Hamzik加入使Manowar正式成军。乐团在1982年发表首张专辑”Battle Hymns〃,里面就包含了由名演员Orson Welles跨刀献声担任口白的名曲”Dark Avenger〃。在发第二张专辑时鼓手由打起鼓来会使人敬畏的 Scott Columbus入替,当时乐团跟唱片公司的合约是破天荒的用鲜血签约。在花了6天录制第3张专辑”Hail to England〃后,Manowar开始在英国巡回演出,英国从1878年维京人侵略东北方的群岛后再也没有遭到如此消耗战力的猛烈攻击,全欧洲已沦为Manowar的牺牲品。更猛的是在第四张专辑”Sign Of The Hammer〃使Manowar得到金氏世界纪录”世界最大声的乐团〃。陆续Manowar推出了”Fighting The World〃、”King Of The metal〃精选辑”The Triumph Of Steel〃及”Loudness Than Hell〃,不管是德国、欧洲或俄罗斯只要Manowar一到该地演出都会使当地歌迷陷入疯狂状态。 ”办演唱会的目的就是要把观众的脑袋轰掉〃Manowar的贝斯手Joey DeMaio毫不客气地表示。Manowar在这张99年换东家后献给流血流汗的歌迷们2CD Live专辑”Hell On Stage Live〃里证明他们的跳槽非常值得,这张专辑仍然保持Manowar压倒式的现场演出风格,而且Manowar更要藉这猛烈豪快的16首歌与Deep Purple的”Made In Japan〃,The Who的”Live at Leeds〃,齐柏林”The Song Remains The Same〃一起被称为不朽名盘,清乾净你的耳朵准备招架Manowar的火力。