
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/14 04:41:55
The connections for bipolar ranges are shown in Figure 5. Again, as for the unipolar ranges, if the offset and gain specifications are sufficient, one or both of the trimmers shown can be replaced by a 50 1% fixed resistor. Bipolar calibration is similar to unipolar calibration. First, a signal 1/2 LSB above negative full scale (–4.9988 V for the 5 V range) is applied and R1 is trimmed to give the first transition (0000 0000 0000 to
0000 0000 0001). Then a signal 1 1/2 LSB below positive full scale (+4.9963 V the 5 V range) is applied and R2 trimmed to give the last transition (1111 11111110 to 1111 1111 1111).

从两极的连接见图5. 再次,至于单极幅度,并获得补偿的规定,如果有足够的一方或双方显示trimmers可以取代50固定电阻1%. 校正校正单极两极相似. 第一,信号1/2以上负全面测量(V-4.9988为5V系列),适用R1是要从转变为第一(0000至00000000 000000000001). 然后信号11/2以下的房子全部正面表(4.9963V的V系列5)和应用,使过去R2修剪转型(111111111110到111111111111).