
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 06:04:42
All destinations analyzed till now have been located in the eastern side of the country, and most of them have a coastal component. Lhasa appears as the exception that makes the rule. Lhasa, located on the Tibetan Plateau, has a relative importance as a destination and an equal distribution of the importance of its attractions. As it can be observed in table 11, Jokhang Temple, Sera Monastery, Potala Palace and Norbulingka are in the same level. This means that all have commercialized at the same time by each operator. Obviously, the religious connotation is the predominant one and it is specially based on the Buddhist religion, although the purpose of the Spanish visitors is far away from that. Drepung Monastery is the last religion-based attraction followed by Barkhor Street with its alleyways and outdoor market.

分析到现在已全部目的地位于该国的东部和沿海部分大多. 拉萨出现作为例外,使得统治. 拉萨位于西藏高原上,有一个重要的目的,是相对的公平分配的重要性,让人肃然起敬. 它可以观测表11、大昭寺、色拉寺、布达拉宫、参观处于同一水平. 这意味着所有已商品化的同时,每家公司. 显然,宗教的内涵之一,它主要是基于佛教特别,虽然目的是西班牙游客远离. 两位活佛是宗教上的吸引力,它遵循问讯街小巷及户外市场.