
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/04 19:16:52

“理由5 关心 (Care) 巧克力是高品质的健康礼品,为你心爱的人送去关爱。 一块44克重的德芙黑巧克力中含有碳水化合物27.76克,蛋白质1.85克,脂肪13.2克,钙14.08毫克,磷58.08毫克,镁50.6毫克,钾160.60毫克,钠4.84毫克,所以巧克力能够补充人体每天对于多种营养素的需求。 镁、铜、铁、锌、钙等元素对人体健康至关重要,特别是在抗氧化、调节能量代谢方面不可或缺。巧克力在抗氧化、保护心血管方面发挥的独特作用,就与这些微量元素有关。此外巧克力中磷的含量也很丰富,100克巧克力中含有280 克磷,磷与钙的结合是骨骼健康的基础。而且,磷、钙和其它矿物质对牙齿的珐琅质可以起到保护作用。 理由6 博爱 (Love) 情与爱是人类永恒的话题。人们用巧克力传递的是一种心情,一种感觉,一种与亲朋好友在一起享受由衷幸福的快乐。 营养丰富,味道醇美的巧克力受到越来越多朋友的欢迎和喜爱。在喜庆佳节的日子里,在看望父母,老友重逢,朋友聚会的时刻,一盒精美的巧克力,会带去您对家人和朋友最真诚的祝福,人们一边品尝味道甜美的巧克力,一边娓娓讲述着那浪漫动人的情感故事。在沉醉于爱情的恋人心中,巧克力像爱人执手相握的深情。有巧克力的日子就是幸福甜美的日子。巧克力给热爱生活的人们带来快乐、健康和幸福! 理由7 愉悦 (Joy) 巧克力是快乐的制造者。 为什么吃巧克力会让我们有一种快乐的感觉呢?这是因为赋予巧克力独特魅力的成分来源于可可豆。可可豆香醇甜美的独特味道使人们在食用巧克力时口感香甜,滑润细腻。 大量的科学研究表明,巧克力给人带来好心情是因为巧克力中的苯乙胺可以帮助调节人的情绪。巧克力中还含有丰富的镁元素,镁具有安神和抗忧郁的作用。一块44克重的德芙黑巧克力中,镁的含量约为50.6毫克。”


The fifth reason, CARE. chocolate is a kind of quality and healthy present, it can send your most trueborn love to your sweeter.


"5 reasons for concern (Care) of high-quality chocolate is healthy gift for your beloved people sent care. 44 gram piece of dark chocolate contains Defu 27.76 grams carbohydrate, 1.85 grams of protein, 13.2 grams fat, 14.08 mg calcium, phosphorus 58.08 mg, 50.6 mg magnesium, 160.60 mg potassium, sodium 484 mg, the chocolate can add various nutrients in the human body needs daily. magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus elements essential to human health, especially in the anti-oxidation, and energy metabolism regulation essential. chocolate in resisting oxidation, the unique role played by cardiovascular protection, with these trace elements. In addition, the phosphorus content of chocolate is very rich, 100 grams of chocolate contains 280 grams of phosphorus, and calcium phosphate is a combination of healthy bones. Moreover, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals to the teeth to protect the teeth can play a role. 6 reasons love (Love) intelligence, and love is an eternal topic of mankind. It is transmitted by chocolate is a mood, a feeling, a sincere happiness with relatives and friends together to enjoy the happiness. nutrient-rich, taste the chocolate thing welcomed by the increasing number of friends and loved. In celebrating the Festival days in his parents, friends, friends gathered moment, a box of exquisite chocolate, you will be brought to family and friends the most sincere best wishes, it is one eats taste sweet chocolate, romantic side story touching emotional stories about travel. intoxicated with the love in the hearts of lovers, chocolate lovers like grip they employ deep. sweet chocolate day is a day of happiness. chocolate to the people who love life bring happiness, health and happiness! 7 pleasure grounds (Joy) chocolate manufacturers are happy. Why do we eat chocolate will have a happy feeling? This is because given the unique charm of chocolate ingredients derived from cocoa beans. cocoa beans joy sweet flavor makes it unique in the consumption of chocolate, tastes soundly. 1,120,400 delicate. substantial scientific research has shown that chocolate bring good mood is because the skin can help regulate chocolate feelings. chocolate also contains magnesium rich elements, magnesium is calm the nerves and treat role. 44 gram piece of dark chocolate Defu, the magnesium content of 50.6 mg. "

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