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Herman Melville
Mark Twain
Ezra Pound
Thomas Stearns Eliot
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner


mark twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American humorist, novelist, writer, and lecturer.

Although Twain was confounded by financial and business affairs, his humor and wit were keen, and he enjoyed immense public popularity. At his peak, he was probably the most popular American celebrity of his time. In 1907, crowds at the Jamestown Exposition thronged just to get a glimpse of him. He had dozens of famous friends, including William Dean Howells, Booker T. Washington, Nikola Tesla, Helen Keller, and Henry Huttleston Rogers. Fellow American author William Faulkner is credited with writing that Twain was "the first truly American writer, and all of us since are his heirs." Twain died in 1910 and is buried in Elmira, New York.

Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 Growing Up
1.2 Roughing it out West
1.3 Pen names
2 Career overview
3 Trivia
4 Epigrams
5 Bibliography
6 References
7 See also
7.1 Works by Mark Twain
7.2 Studying Twain
7.3 Twain's Life


The Mississippi River at Hannibal, Missouri[edit]
Growing Up
Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835. When he was four, his family moved to Hannibal, a port town on the Mississippi River which later served as the inspiration for the fictional town of St. Petersberg in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Missouri had been admitted as a slave state in 1821 as part of the Missouri Compromise, and from an early age Twain was exposed to the institution of slavery, a theme which Twain was to later explore in his work. In 1847, when Twain was 11, his father fell ill with pneumonia and died that March. As a teenager Twain worked as an apprentice printer; when he was sixteen, he began writing humorous articles and newspaper sketches. When he was eighteen he left Hannibal, working as a printer in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. At the age of 22, Twain returned to Missouri and worked as a riverboat pilot and earned $250 which was a "princely amount" back then, until trade was interrupted by the American Civil War in 1861.

Roughing it out West
Missouri, although a slave state and considered by many to be part of the South, declined to join the Confederacy and remained loyal to the Union. When the war began, Clemens and his friends formed a Confederate militia (an experience he depicted in his 1885 short story, "The Private History of a Campaign That Failed"), but he saw no military action and the militia disbanded after two weeks. His friends joined the Confederate Army; Clemens joined his brother, Orion, who had been appointed secretary to the territorial governor of Nevada, and headed west. They traveled for more than two weeks on a stagecoach across the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains to the silver-mining town of Virginia City, Nevada. On the way they visited the polygamous Mormon community in Salt Lake City. Clemens' experiences in the West contributed significantly to his formation as a writer, and became the basis of his second book, Roughing It.

Once in Nevada, Clemens became a miner, hoping to strike it rich discovering silver in the Comstock Lode. He stayed for long periods in camp with his fellow prospectors—another life experience that he later put to literary use. After failing as a miner, Clemens obtained work at a newspaper called the Daily Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City, where he adopted the pen name "Mark Twain" which meant 2 fathoms, or 12 feet.

Pen names
Clemens usually maintained that his primary pen name, "Mark Twain," came from his years on the riverboat, where two fathoms (12 ft, approximately 3.7 m) or "safe water" was measured on the sounding line and marked by calling "mark twain". However, the name may also have come from his wilder days in the West, where he would buy two drinks and tell the bartender to "mark twain" on his tab. The complete origin of the pseudonym is unknown.

Clemens is also known to have used the pen of his most famous pen name, Twain himself later wrote:

[Captain Isaiah Sellers] was not of literary turn or capacity, but he used to jot down brief paragraphs of plain practical information about the river, and sign them "MARK TWAIN," and give them to the "New Orleans Picayune." They related to the stage and condition of the river, and were accurate and valuable; and thus far, they contained no poison.
I burlesqued it broadly, very broadly, stringing my fantastics out to the extent of eight hundred or a thousand words. I was a "cub" at the time. I showed my performance to some pilots, and they eagerly rushed it into print in the "New Orleans True Delta." It was a great pity; for it did nobody any worthy service, and it sent a pang deep into a good man's heart. There was no malice in my rubbish; but it laughed at the captain. It laughed at a man to whom such a thing was new and strange and dreadful. I did not know then, though I do now, that there is no suffering comparable with that which a private person feels when he is for the first time pilloried in print.
He never printed another paragraph while he lived, and he never again signed Mark Twain to anything. At the time that the telegraph brought the news of his death, I was on the Pacific coast. I was a fresh new journalist, and needed a nom de guerre; so I confiscated the ancient mariner's discarded one, and have done my best to make it remain what it was in his hands—a sign and symbol and warrant that whatever is found in its company may be gambled on as being the petrified truth; how I have succeeded, it would not be modest in me to say.[1]

Regardless of the source of the name, "Mark Twain" was "born" as Clemens' pen name in the office of the Nevada Territorial Enterprise, when Clemens first used the name on an article published on February 3, 1863. Twain wants the reader to see the absurdity in his statement.

Career overview
Twain's greatest contribution to American literature is generally considered to be his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. As Ernest Hemingway once said:

"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. ...all American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since."
Also popular are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and the non-fiction book Life on the Mississippi.

Beginning as a writer of light, humorous verse, Twain evolved into a grim, almost profane chronicler of the vanities, hypocrisies and murderous acts of mankind. At mid-career, with Huckleberry Finn, he combined rich humor, sturdy narrative and social criticism in a way that is almost unrivaled in world literature.

Twain was a master at rendering colloquial speech, and helped to create and popularize a distinctive American literature built on American themes and language.

Twain in the lab of Nikola Tesla, spring of 1894Twain also had a fascination with science and scientific inquiry. He developed a close and lasting friendship with Nikola Tesla, and the two spent quite a bit of time together (in Tesla's laboratory, among other places). Such fascination can be seen in Twain's book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, which features a time traveler from the America of Twain's day, using his knowledge of science to introduce modern technology to Arthurian England. Incidentally this features as an element of inspiration in the popular 1990s science fiction serial Star Trek: The Next Generation Season Five: Last Episode and Season Six: Episode One] 'Time's Arrow' where Twain is encountered and inspired by the arrival of the future Enterprise bridge officers investigating hostile alien interference in Earth's history. Twain also patented an improvement in adjustable and detachable straps for garments.

From 1901 until his death in 1910, Twain was vice president of the American Anti-Imperialist League.[2] The League opposed the annexation of the Philippines by the United States. Twain wrote Incident in the Philippines, posthumously published in 1924, in response to the Moro Crater Massacre, in which six hundred Moros were killed. Many but not all of Mark Twain's neglected and previously uncollected writings on anti-imperialism appeared for the first time in book form in 1992.

In recent years, there have been occasional attempts to ban Huckleberry Finn from various libraries because Twain's use of local color is offensive to some people. Although Twain was against racism and imperialism far ahead of the public sentiment of his time, those who have only superficial familiarity with his work have sometimes condemned it as racist because it accurately depicts language in common use in the 19th-century United States. Expressions that were used casually and unselfconsciously then are often perceived today as racist (today, such racial epithets are far more visible and condemned). Twain himself would probably be amused by these attempts; in 1885, when a library in Massachusetts banned the book, he wrote to his publisher, "They have expelled Huck from their library as 'trash suitable only for the slums', that will sell 25,000 copies for us for sure."

Many of Mark Twain's works have been suppressed at times for various reasons. 1880 saw the publication of an anonymous slim volume entitled 1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors. Twain was among those rumored to be the author, but the issue was not settled until 1906, when Twain acknowledged his literary paternity of this scatological masterpiece.

At least Twain saw 1601 published during his lifetime. During the Philippine-American War, Twain wrote an anti-war article entitled The War Prayer. Through this internal struggle, Twain expresses his opinions of the absurdity of slavery and the importance of following one's personal conscience before the laws of society. It was submitted to Harper's Bazaar for publication, but on March 22, 1905, the magazine rejected the story as "not quite suited to a woman's magazine." Eight days later Twain wrote to his friend Dan Beard, to whom he had read the story, "I don't think the prayer will be published in my time. None but the dead are permitted to tell the truth." Because he had an exclusive contract with Harper & Brothers, Mark Twain could not publish The War Prayer elsewhere; it remained unpublished until 1923.

In later years, Twain's family suppressed some of his work which was especially irreverent toward conventional religion, notably Letters from the Earth, which was not published until 1962. The anti-religious The Mysterious Stranger was published in 1916, although there is some scholarly debate as to whether Twain actually wrote the most familiar version of this story.

Perhaps most controversial of all was Mark Twain's 1879 humorous talk at the Stomach Club in Paris, entitled Some Thoughts on the Science of Onanism, which concluded with the thought, "If you must gamble your lives sexually, don't play a lone hand too much." This talk was not published until 1943, and then only in a limited edition of fifty copies.

Twain was born and died in years in which Halley's Comet appeared.
In 1906, his daughter Clara Clemens married the Russian-American pianist and conductor Ossip Gabrilowitsch. Clara was a singer who appeared with her husband in recital.
The 1944 biographical film of his life, The Adventures of Mark Twain, featured Fredric March as Clemens and Alexis Smith as his wife Olivia.
Broadway, television & cinema actor Hal Holbrook has been performing his one-man show Mark Twain Tonight ! annually since 1959, with each show somewhat different in Twain content. During the 60th Tony Awards, Holbrook reported that he was purported to be buried near Twain in Woodlawn Cemetery. Holbrook then repeated one of Twain's famous quotes: "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."
The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Time's Arrow featured a fictionalized version of Mark Twain.
Mark Twain`s wife, Olivia Langdon, was known as Livy to her family and friends.
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"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." (cf. Proverbs 12:23, 13:16, 17:18, 29:11, and others)
"I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education."
"Familiarity breeds contempt—and babies."
"Golf is a good walk spoilt."
"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them."
"Truth is our most valuable commodity, so let us economize."
"To create man was a fine and original idea; but to add sheep was a tautology." (notebook, 1902)
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking. And out of it we get an aggregation which we consider a boon. Its name is public opinion. It is held in reverence. Some think it the voice of God." (Corn-Pone Opinions)
"Never put off until tomorrow that which could be done the day after tomorrow."
"A habit cannot be thrown out the window, it must be coaxed down the stairs one step at a time."
"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter."
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
"Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
"The human race is a race of cowards, and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner."
"There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice."
"Suppose you were a congressman, and suppose you were an idiot. But I repeat myself."
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you, too, can become great."
"Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet."
"October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February."
"When I, a thoughtful and unblessed Presbyterian, examine the Koran, I know that beyond any question every Mohammedan is insane, not in all things, but in religious matters. When a thoughtful and unblessed Mohammedan examines the Westminster Catechism, he knows that beyond any question I am spiritually insane. I cannot prove to him that he is insane, because you never can prove anything to a lunatic—for that is a part of his insanity and the evidence of it. He cannot prove to me that I am insane, for my mind has the same defect that afflicts his... When I look around me, I am often troubled to see how many people are mad." [3]
The saying "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics" is sometimes attributed to Twain. He did not coin the phrase, but he did popularize it in the United States.
"Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times."
"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."
"Respect your superiors, if you have any."
"Jesus died to save men -- a small thing for an immortal to do, & didn't save many, anyway; but if he had been damned for the race that would have been act of a size proper to a god, & would have saved the whole race. However, why should anybody want to save the human race, or damn it either? Does God want its society? Does Satan?"
"Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to."
"When angry count to four, when very angry, swear." -Puddin'head Wilson's Calendar

Herman Melville 赫尔曼.梅尔维尔 代表作《白鲸》美国小说家、诗人。
Mark Twain 马克·吐温代表作有《汤姆历险记》及《顽童历险记》美国幽默大师、作家。
Ezra Pound 庞德 代表作《在一个地铁站》。被喻为美国20世纪文学界的邓小平。
Thomas Stearns Eliot 艾略特,代表作《荒园》, 美国诗人。
(Ernest Hemingway l899~1961) 海明威代表作《太阳照样升起》美国小说家
William Faulkner 威廉福克纳,代表作《美国的悲剧》美国小说家。

赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 (Herman Melville, 1819-91)

生於纽约。父亲经营进口生意,起初业务兴隆,后破产,卒於一八三二年,遗下妻子儿女(后移居纽约州奥尔巴尼)。在亲戚的援助下,勉强维生。梅尔维尔曾在银行工作,也教过书。一八四一年搭捕鲸船阿库什尼特号去南太平洋以前。曾以船上侍者身分去过一次利物浦。一八四二年他在马克萨斯岛弃船潜逃,碰到吃人的野人,后来搭澳洲捕鲸船离开群岛。其后他又到塔希提岛和檀香山闯过一阵子江湖,於一八四四年乘美国号快速带帆战舰返美。开始根据航海经历从事写作∶《泰皮》(Typee, 1846),《欧穆》(Omoo, 1847,他於是年结婚),两书均受欢迎;《玛地》(Mardi, 1849)、《雷得本》(Redburn, 1849),《白外衣》(White-Jacket, 1850>,《白鲸》(Moby Dick, 1851),《皮埃尔》(Pierre, 1852)。其中《玛地》使人感到迷惑,《白鲸》不受欢迎,《皮埃尔》彻底失败。其后逐渐放弃写作生涯,但也完成若干短篇,其中六篇收集在《广场故事》里(Piazza Tales, 1856),和另外两部小说,《伊斯雷尔·波特》(Israel Potter, 1855)和《骗子的化装表演》(The Confidence-Man, 1857)。他随后转而写诗,其中大部分包括长诗《克拉瑞尔》 (Clarel, 1876)在内,系由私人出版。一八六六至一八八五年在纽约任海关检查员;终於退休,静度馀年,临终前数月写成《毕利·伯德》(Billy Budd),直到一九二四年才出版。

马克‧吐温 (Mark Twain),原名『萨缪尔 克莱门斯』 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens,1835-1910)。出生於密苏里州的佛罗里达,为美国19世纪著名的幽默文学家。


庞德(Ezra Pound)

Thomas Stearns Eliot

托马斯·史登斯·艾略特(Thomas Stearns Eliot,1888-1965)英美诗人、剧作家和批评家。生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯,祖籍英国。父亲是砖瓦商人,母亲是诗人,博学多才。1906年,艾略特进哈佛大学攻读哲学和英法文学,并走上了象征诗歌的创作道路。1910年走巴黎入索尔大学研究哲学和文学。1913年,任哈佛大学哲学系助教。1914年,赴伦敦入牛津大学学习希腊哲学。不久即成婚并定居英国,先后当过教师、银行职员、杂志编辑。1922年,创办文学评论季刊《标准》。1926年,任牛津大学讲师。1927年,加入英国国籍和国教。1952年,任伦敦图书馆馆长。1965年逝世。






40年代,他根据在非洲的见闻和印象写了《非洲的青山》、《乞力马扎罗山的雪》, 还发表了《法兰西斯·玛贝康短暂的幸福》。1932年发表了《午后之死》, 尊奉美国建筑师罗德维希的名言“越少,就越多”,使作品趋于精炼,缩短了作品与读者之间的距离,提出了“冰山原则”,只表现事物的八分之一,使作品充实、含蓄、耐人寻味。

1939年,海明威以西班牙内战为背景创作了著名的长篇小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》, 这是一部承前启后的重要作品。它写了国际纵队的志愿人员罗伯特·乔丹为配合一支游击队的一次炸桥行动而牺牲的感人故事,这部作品是海明威中期创作中思想性最强的作品之一,在相当程度上克服和摆脱了孤独、迷惘与悲泣的情绪,把个人融入到社会中,表现出为正义事业而献身的崇高精神。

二战后,海明威创作进入晚期,其代表作为《老人与海》,由于小说中体现了人在“充满暴力与死亡的现实世界中”表现出来的勇气而获得1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。 海明威一生的创作在现代文学史上留下了光辉的一页。他以自己的经历披露了当权者的伪善和现实的残酷,刻画了美国年轻一代的迷惘情绪,作品中洋溢着对劳动人民的热爱,在探索艺术创作的途径中使现实主义在开放性的兼容并蓄中获得了新的光采!

William Faulkner

威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897-1962)美国作家,生于美国密西西比州新奥尔巴尼的一个庄园主家,南北战争后家道中落。

Herman Melville: Moby Dick

Ernest Hemingway: Farewell to Arms