
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 18:13:10

1. Use songs, chants, nursery rhymes, finger plays to teach English like days of the week, number words, color words, feeling words etc.
2. Use TPR(total physical response) to reinforce naming words, action words, number words or prepositions.
3. Read aloud.
幼儿园老师主要就是教这些了.告诉你一个教颜色的color chant plus finger play? 你可现场示范.
red, red , red, touch your head拍头
black, black, black, touch your back,拍背
blue, blue, blue, tie your shoes,系鞋带
purple, purple, purple, draw a circle.在空中画圈
pink, pink, pink, give a wink.眼镜眨一下
white, white, white, move to the right, to the right.往右移动
brown, brown, brown, touch the ground,碰地面
yellow, yellow, yellow, giggle like a bowl of jello.装捧果冻
green, green, green, jump around like a jumping bean转圈跳
gray, gray, gray, shout hooray! hooray! hooray!振臂高呼" hooray

1.将黑板分成4栏,每一栏中写一个大写字母(学生就写以你规定的那个字母打头的单词),将学生分成4组,规定5分钟内,看每组谁写的单词多.尽量避免以V,Z,X开头的单词,相对较少. 这个游戏很常用

2.将一张白纸分成9格,准备9个单词,听写,大学生可以写在任何一个空格内.写完9个后,你再问:谁的最中心的单词写的是***啊? 谁的第3行写的是***,***,***啊?之类的