
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 20:17:29
个 人 简 历
姓 名: 顾德晨
性 别: 男
出生日期: 1982/01/13
户 口: 上海
目前年薪: 2-3万人民币
工作年限: 三年以上
地 址: 上海市浦东新区莲安西路225弄2号305室
邮 编: 201204
自 我 评 价
求 职 意 向 [修 改]
工作性质: 全职
希望行业: 电子技术/半导体/集成电路 , 机械/设备/重工 , 政府
目标地点: 上海市
期望工资: 3000-4499 /月
目标职能: 工程/机械绘图员 , 质量检验员/测试员 , 维修工程师 , 生产主管/督导/领班
工 作 经 验 [修 改]
所属行业: 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
研发部 自动控制工程师/技术员
所属行业: 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
生产部 生产主管/督导/领班
2003年中配合领导完善生产工艺,完善生产设备的结构有效的提高了产品的合格率从而帮助公司得到第二代身份证和许多国外定单的生产许可证. 2001/04--2003/01:上海长丰智能卡有限公司
所属行业: 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
生产部 技工
教 育 经 历 [修 改]
2002/09--至今 上海交大自学考 电气工程及其自动化 本科
1997/09--2001/07 上海石化工业学校 机械电子工程/机电一体化 大专
培 训 经 历 [修 改]
2003/01--2003/02 全国职业技术等级培训中心 技术等级考合 技术员证书
IT 技 能 [修 改]

技能名称 熟练程度 使用时间
CADAM 熟练 22月
证书 [修 改]
2000/09 CAD中级 优秀
1999/09 CAD初级 优秀
附 加 信 息 [修 改]
兴趣爱好 : 赛车,军事及生活常识
特长 : 急救

Chien-person calendar
Surname name : Gu dechen
Xing other : men
Date of birth : 1982/01/13
Households mouth : Shanghai
Current annual salary : 2-3 10,000 yuan
Working life : three years
To the site : Shanghai's Pudong New District Lin On Estate Road 225 get 2nd 305 rooms
Mail to : 201204
Since my assessment price
Strong work ability, work experience and can give good leadership to complete the task
Seeking to post to the [repair to]
Nature of work : full-time
I hope Industries : electronics / semiconductor /
integrated circuits, machinery / equipment /
industry, the government
Target locations : Shanghai
Expected wage : 3000-4499 / month
Target functions : engineering / mechanical draftsmen, and the quality examiners / testing of maintenance engineers, production supervisor / supervisory / foreman
Workers for the inspection of [repair to]
2005/08-- date : Intel technology development (Shanghai) Limited
By sector : electronics / semiconductor / IC
R & D Department of Automatic Control engineers / technicians On the production line for the maintenance of all equipment and maintenance. Familiar with the site and to skilled machine operating principles completion of the replacement parts and equipment debugging.
2003/01--2005/07 : Shanghai Yinuoer it Limited
By sector : electronics / semiconductor / IC
For the production of production / steering / gaffer
Primarily engaged in the production line supervision and personnel deployment, personnel shortage in the company initial stage of the initiative as production equipment debugging, maintenance and repair and completion of the testing of many new tasks.
2003, with improved production processes leadership, improve the structure of production equipment to enhance the effective rate of qualified products to help companies with the second generation of ID cards and many foreign orders production permit. 2001/04--2003/01 : Shanghai Changfeng smart card Limited
By sector : electronics / semiconductor / IC
Production Department mechanic
Smart IC card production and processing and testing, which in the first major piece of work Nien Road.
Spare time at work also speaks to the self-study gold ball welding done through the examination and obtain wire appointment of operation qualifications.
Company employees were rated outstanding year 2003.
The fed by the calendar [to repair]
2002/09-- to Shanghai Jiaotong University and self-study test automation undergraduate electrical engineering
1997/09--2001/07 Shanghai Petrochemical industry machinery electronic engineering school / college and integration
And the integration of professional training
Where :
Analog / digital electronic
Electrician foundation
Electrical fees
Smart design graduate school class of field-device
Pui training by calendar [to repair]
2003/01--2003/02 National Vocational Tchnical level training center with technical grading test technician certificate
It skills can [to repair]
Name skills proficiency use of time
CADAM skilled 22 months
Certificate [to repair]
2000/09 cad-outstanding
1999/09 cad primary outstanding
By the letter of interest [to repair]
Love interest : car racing, military and living knowledge Fortes : first aid
Gull which had employed part-time in the summer Luoba water world, as water lifeguards. (issued by the Shanghai Sports Commission lifeguard qualifications)

Chien-person calendar Surname name : Gude morning Sexual 322 : male Date of birth : 1982/01/13 Households mouth : Shanghai Current annual salary : 2-3 10,000 yuan Working life : three years To the site : Shanghai's Pudong New District Lin On Estate Road 225 get 2nd Room 305 Mail to : 201204 Since I am on prices Strong work ability, work experience and can give good leadership to complete the task Seeking to post to the [repair to] Nature of work : full-time I hope Industries : electronics / semiconductor / integrated circuits, machinery / equipment / industry, government Target locations : Shanghai Expected wage : 3000-4499 / month Target functions : engineering / mechanical draftsmen, and the quality examiners / testing of maintenance engineers, production supervisor / supervisory / foreman Workers for the inspection of [repair to] 2005/08-- date : Intel technology development (Shanghai) Ltd. By sector : electronics / semiconductor / IC R & D Department of Automatic Control Engineers / Technician On the production line for the maintenance of all equipment and maintenance. Familiar with the site and to skilled machine operating principles completion of the replacement parts and equipment debugging. 2003/01--2005/07 : Shanghai Yinuoer it Ltd. By sector : electronics / semiconductor / IC For the production of production / steering / gaffer Primarily engaged in the production line supervision and personnel deployment, personnel shortage in the company initial stage of the initiative as production equipment debugging, maintenance and repair and completion of the testing of many new tasks. 2003, with improved production processes leadership, improve the structure of production equipment to enhance the effective rate of qualified products to help companies with the second generation of ID cards and many foreign orders production permit. 2001/04--2003/01 : Shanghai Changfeng smart cards Ltd. By sector : electronics / semiconductor / IC Production of mechanics Smart IC card production and processing and testing, which in the first major piece of work Nien Road. Spare time at work also speaks to the self-study gold ball welding done through the examination and obtain wire appointment of operation qualifications. Company employees were rated outstanding year 2003. The fed by the calendar [to repair] 2002/09-- to Shanghai Jiaotong University and self-study test automation undergraduate electrical engineering 1997/09--2001/07 Shanghai Petrochemical industry machinery electronic engineering school / college and integration And the integration of professional training Where : Analog / digital electronics Electrician basis Electrical fees Smart emergency vehicles designed for graduate school class was Pui training by calendar [to repair] 2003/01--2003/02 National Vocational Technical level training center with technical grading test technician certificate It skills can [to repair] Name skills proficiency use of time CADAM skilled 22 months Certificate [to repair] 2000/09 cad-outstanding 1999/09 cad outstanding junior By the letter of interest [to repair] Love interest : car racing, military knowledge and life Fortes : first aid Gull which had employed part-time in the summer Luoba water world, as water lifeguards. (issued by the Shanghai Sports Commission lifeguard qualifications)
