
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/03 08:03:09


1. 法国队开始时领先, 但中场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平.
France took an early lead but Wales drew level (ie equalized the score) before half-time.
2. 足球赛中我看到亨利,我在中场休息时间走过去和他谈了一会儿。
I saw Henry at the football game and I went over and talked to him at half-time.

have a rest,这是“休息一下”的意思,不知道用在这里对不对。呵呵

half time (for sports)
intermission (for shows, concerts, opera, etc.)

The medium field takes a rest

中场休息 half time