
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/14 04:21:46


开头使用一楼的the machine(s) you ordered 要好一点,因为machinery多指各种机器,且有重型机械设备的意味,而可以空运的机器一般不会很大。

is now ready for shipment使用得极佳,地道、简洁。

“我们还没有接到你的已经汇款和要求发货的通知”,建议译成"Yet remittance notice from the bank and delivery order has not reached us"一般银行在汇款之后会向支付方发出一个单子,就是remittance notice,通知支付方款项已经汇出,支付方可以此作为凭证通知收款方款项已汇。所以收款方要的不是支付方自己说的“我们已将款项汇出”,而是银行的这个已汇款通知。发货通知则就是买方自己的要求。

“请在电汇货款和运费后,将有关信息发传真通知我们,我们好及时将你定的机器通过航空发运出来。”这句试译为“Would you please fax us the necessary papers after paying the goods' cost and freight by TT so that we could facilitate timely delivery of your machine(s) by air?”电汇好像在我记忆中用的是TT。


Dear Sirs.

The machine you ordered have been provided but we haven't received your shipping advice.
We will ship the goods you ordered as soon as possible after receive your information by fax about payment of charge of cost and freight by T/T.

The machinery ordered by your company is now ready for shipment. However, we have not yet been notified that the proceeds have been paid and that the delivery operation is to be undertaken. As soon as you have paid the cost and freight by electronic remittance, please supply us with the related documents by fax. That way, we will be able to deliver the machinery timely to you by air.