unity fbx 贴图:求翻译The number of sensors being ……

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 08:57:43
The number of sensors being incorporated into new ship
designs continues to increase significantly over past levels. By
some estimates, future all-electric ships will have 20 times the
number of sensors as some modern ships, perhaps 100,000 or
more. By today's standards, this is a staggering number of
sensors to maintain and calibrate. Periodic sensor calibration
is an expensive, labor-intensive activity. In addition, the labor
involved with a time-based strategy of calibrating sensors that
are performing satisfactorily represents an area of substantial
cost avoidance. For minimum manned vessels, there may
inadequate human resources available to perform continuous
sensor monitoring. Clearly, automatic, on-line sensor
diagnostics represents the only feasible approach to sensor
validation in the future.
