
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 17:03:49
Words are inadsquate to describe my feeling of jubilation on the day that Taewon-Do was born,but at the same time I was assailed by doubts and apprehenions.How many peopie would actually come to recognize and understand Taewon-Do during my life-time?It seems as though this happened only yesterday.and yet many year have passed and today Taewon-Do is not only an cfficial activity of CISM(Council of International Sport Military) but it is under consideration for inclusion in the International Olympic Games.All of this has made me realize once again that the days travel with the speed of a flying arrow and the years flow like an irreveesible river,but most significantly,it also peoves that determination and faith can overcome any obstacle.
All thing are governed by the law,of Ying and Yang(dark and light)...happiness can often stem form catastrophic moments.My painful experiences of degradation and humiliation,when the Japanese colonization of Korea reduced me to a person without a country inspired my desire to preserve and spread the spirit and wisdom of the Korean people to the word.
Needless to say,Taekwon-Do could not possibly have achieved the status it enjoys today without the tears of silent agony shen by the pioneers of Taekowon-Do who strove against all odds to introduce their art to the world.
Retrospectively,my troubles began soon after the formation of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces.Despite fierce opposotion from my colleagues.I succeeded in introducing Taekwon-Do as a compulsory course in the army curriculum.

Iwas repaid with jealousy,slander and finally oppression.As a result,my army career came to an abrupt end.This was merely a prelude for what was to follow.The civilian gyms practicing Dang Soo-Do as a possible threat.
They reacted with bitter criticism.It is no wonder that these people......

序(Morimal) inadsquate话来形容我的感受欢乐当天Taewon小康出生,但同时我的疑惑,并抨击Apprehenions.howpeopIe其实很多来了解和认识Taewon,在有生之年做的呢? 它好像这一情况只Yesterday.and尚未多年过去了,今日Taewon--的确不仅是一个cfficial的活动CISM(经社理事会ofInternational体育运动军用),但它也在考虑列入国际奥林匹克Games.all这一使我想到另一点再次的日子旅行的速度一项飞行箭和多年流量像一个irreveesible河,但最重要的是,该还peoves这一决心和信仰的可以克服任何障碍. 一切事情都是由法律规定,英、杨(黑暗和轻):幸福往往是形成灾难性moments.my惨痛经验退化和屈辱,日本统治朝鲜减少我一个人在一个国家促成我的愿望,维护和扩大的精神和智慧的朝鲜人民的诺言. 毋庸讳言,Taekwon小康不可能取得今天的地位,有没有痛苦的眼泪沉默的先锋队Taekowon的人,因为他们努力克服种种困难,以自己的艺术介绍给世界. 追溯,我刚开始麻烦成立大韩民国Forces.despite武装激烈opposotion我国成功地引进Colleagues.iTaekwon小康作为必修课程,课程的军队. Iwas还与嫉妒、毁谤,终于oppression.as因此,我国的职业军队突然End.this只是一个前奏,因为是搞体育场馆平民follow.The邓武诸洙小康作为可能的威胁. 他们的反应激烈criticism.it难怪这些人::