
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/14 01:07:05

九年级英语 Unit 4单元测试 人教新目标
一. 写出下列词组
1. 一点也、根本不_________
2. 与…相处_________
3. 使…失望、沮丧_________
4. 如果…怎么办_________
5. 赢得抽奖_________
6. 变得紧张_________
7. 征求某人的许可_________
8. 宁可…也不…_________
9. 迟到_________
10. 公共的、公众的_________

二. 补充完整下面虚拟语气的句子,(注意区分主句与从句的位置变化)
1. I’d be a millionaire if __________________________
2. If I had more free time. __________________________
3. If I were you . __________________________
4. She would buy that if __________________________
5. If my house were on fire. __________________________
6. I’d travel around the world if __________________________
7. If I could change one thing about my life. __________________________
8. I wouldn’t do that if __________________________
9. If I could make three wishes. __________________________
10. I would be a better student if __________________________

三. 根据不同情境,首先判断这个情景是真实可能发生的,还是虚拟的,然后填空。
Situation A
EXAMPLE : Gao is a doctor , but if he were (be)a truck driver, he would have (have)
very different skills.
2. Gao’s wife is a doctor , too , but she is planning to change her career . If she
_________ (change)her career , she ___________ (study)to become a lawyer.
Situation B
3. Antonieta is Brazilian , but she has lived in the United States and New Zealand , so she
speaks excellent English . If she __________ (stay)in Brazil , her English _________ (not)
(be)so good.
4. However , Antonieta _______ (speak)French too if she _________ (move)to France next
Situation C
5. Mary’s car is old . If it ________(break down), she ________ (buy)a new one.
6. Because Mary has a car , she has driven to school every day this term . But if she
_______ (not)(have)a car , she ________ (take)the bus.
Situation D
7. Marcia has applied to graduate school . She _______ (start)school next fall if she
8. When Marcia was twenty-one , she quit school for several years to get married and raise a
family . If she ________ (continue)her studies instead of raising a family , she _____
(begin)graduate school a long time ago.

四. 假设你现在在一个孤岛上,除了图中所示的物品,你一无所有,你该怎么办?完成下题。
Imagine you are on a desert island . You have nothing with you except these objects . What
would you do with them ?

If we were on a desert island , we would use this to
_______ . We would _______ with this
If we had this with us on the island , , we would use it to
___________ . With this , , we
_____________ . And finally , we _________ with this

一. 1. in the slightest
2. get along with
3. let sb down
4. what if
5. won the lottery
6. get nervous
7. ask one’s permission
8. rather …than …
9. be late for
10. in public
二. Answers will vary . 答案可多种多样,但必须符合虚拟语气的结构
eg. I’d be a millionaire if I won the lottery.
三. 2. changes will study (真实的)
3. had stayed would not be (虚拟)
4. will speak / moves (or would speak / moved)(真实或虚拟均可)
5. breaks down will buy (真实的)
6. did not have would take (虚拟的)
7. will start gets accepted (真实的)
8. had continued would have begun (虚拟)
四. The objects are knife , sock , fishhook , rope , plastic bags .
Answers will vary.