
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 04:12:26
1 rain-head
2 all ears
3 at the end of my rope
4 back-seatdriver
5 beating his brains out
6 best-sellers
7 brain-drain
8 chicken feed
9 cold fish
10 crocodile tears
11 diamond in the rough
12 change horses in the middle of stream
13 fish for compliments
14 give her a cold shoulder
15 keeps his hands off
16 have tickets on themselves
17 head-hunters
18 hold your horses
19 hot potato
20 worse comes to the worst


1.rain-head (找不到.根据下面这句话理解一下吧.A rain head is disclosed having three filters through which water entering an inlet to the rain head must pass before passing out through an outlet from the rain head. The filters remove successively smaller particles from the water.喷头?淋浴装置?表示被淋了一头的雨?)
2.be all ears 洗耳恭听
3.at the end of my rope 失去耐性 (at the end of one's rope with sb.)
4.back-seat driver 爱指手画脚的人
5.beat his brains out 绞尽脑汁
6.best-sellers 很畅销的的商品
7.brain-drain 人才流失(brain指智慧;drain 排出,流失)
8.chicken feed 低微的薪水
9.cold fish 态度冷淡的人
10.crocodile tears 假慈悲(鳄鱼的眼泪)
11.diamond in the rough 深藏不露 (It was a diamond in the rough.)
12.change horses in the middle of stream 在过河过到一半的时候换你骑的马 (Don't change horses in the middle of the stream 不要在艰难的征途当中换人马)
13.fish for compliments 故意要别人说赞扬话 (fish for compliments 钓到赞扬,用一种巧妙的方法来让别人恭维你、赞扬你)
14.give her a cold shoulder 指对人冷淡
15.keeps his hands off 袖手旁观
16.have tickets on themselves (找不到!但是也许可以参考理解一下.But there is no sympathy for those who have tickets on themselves,are as flash as a rat with a gold tooth, or who wouldn't work in an iron lung. )
17.head-hunters 猎头 (head-hunters. head-hunting, n. The custom, characteristic esp. of heathen Malayan peoples, of decapitating enemies and preserving their heads as trophies. 奉异教的马来民族所特有的斩敌人头留作战胜纪念品的习俗)
18.hold your horses 耐心点儿
19.hot potato 困境(烫山芋)
20.worse comes to the worst 每况愈下(情况越来越糟)

20 最坏的情况(差不多就这个意思)
19 [美国习惯用语」难解决的问题(肯定没错)
18 耐心点(肯定)
17 headhunter原意是原始部落猎取人头的原始人,这里用的是比喻意,是指负责招聘高级人才的人,还有一种意思是指提供人才的公司,组织等(肯定没错)
16 不太清楚,我查查
15 可能就是“把手拿开”
14 慢待别人(肯定)
13 让别人恭维(肯定)
12 病重不宜换郎中(知道什么意思吧)
11 外粗内秀的人(肯定)
10 假慈悲,假伤心(肯定)
9 冷漠的人(冷血动物)
8 小数量的钱(不一定指薪水)
7 人才外流(与braingain相对)
6 畅销商品(一般指书)
5 可能就是“绞尽脑汁”,我不知道
4 不开车,而又对司机如何开车指手划脚的那种人;比喻爱指手画脚的人。(肯定)
3 处于绝境(错不了)
2 可能是“埋首于,专心于”
1 不太清楚