
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/01 10:50:37
1.So strange to think that it is winter back in the States?
2.I expect to do really well – it is quite a big event.
3.This was a fitting payment to one of the greatest men the world had ever seen.
4.Was it not possible to ask for peace , and listen to Hitler?

It is justthe start of summer.后一句是I am going to make batiks and go to all the summer festivals...........
PS 怎么用英语写阅读心得呀?
(阅读心得 要求 40个词)

1 如此奇怪,想到:难道冬天又回到美国了?

(如果是in State就翻译为“正式”:一想就感到很奇怪,难道冬天又正式回来了吗?in the states“在这个州”)

2 我期待真的做好--这/它可是一件相当大的事/大事。

3 这是对这个世界上曾经出现过的最伟大的人之一相称的报偿。

4 寻求和平难道是不可能的吗,难道非听命希特勒吗?

简单说来就是阅读完一篇英语文章或英文小说,用英语记录下自己的感受。一般说来,要大体介绍一下书的作者、大体情节然后写出自己的感想,如读此书的目的,对那段文字感慨最深,这本书或某个人物给你的启发等等,也可以联系自己的经历,写写你的切身体验。总之,它的形式较宽松,而非较严格。它更像随笔,于是可以用你熟悉的词汇语法来写。以下是两篇“英语读后感”,一篇关于迪更斯(①姓氏 ②Charles, 1812-1870, 英国著名现实主义小说家)另一篇关于《哈利波特》,有来自网站的,也有来自中外网友的。希望对你写好英语读后感会有启发与帮助。

It is the same as read other novels of Dickens' too to read" David Copperfield", People feel every personage --From protagonist to warder not speaking --It is ready to appear , lifelike. This because Dickens very much can play up angry to a great extent Atmosphere, the method is that the detail is delineated. At the time of writing to Mr.Murdstone teach David such as him, have published a question in this way: "If I go to the cheese shop to buy 4,000 pieces of extra quality cheese in Gloucester ……" he will it shows to be" extra quality cheese of Gloucester" in detail only, but this set off appear personality of Mr.Murdstone vividly even more just --Mechanical, intend to embarrass David. He describes David's banquet, each kind of vegetables is not described well at all in it, Whether and this it make people unable to feel even more vivid too,like in among. Can enter silk enter and deduct detail of describing, it is obvious Dickens one outsight and realize strength better people more like this. He draws support from his pen Tell reader abundant impression of him whether make readers rise and fall of the happiness, anger, grief and joy with him.

Marlboro college students play Quidditch, minus brooms
This fall, students at Marlboro College have been enjoying several games of Quidditch, a magical game played by the characters in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. The Marlboro students can't fly around on broomsticks, but the college's adaptation of the game stays as faithful as possible to Rowling's enchanted game.
Marlboro's version of Quidditch is uses most elements present in the book: three goal hoops and three different kinds of balls in the air at one time: one quaffle (scoring ball), several bludgers (attack balls), and a snitch (an elusive flying ball).
Quidditch combines three games in one: ultimate Frisbee, dodge ball, and wild goose chase. Players pass the quaffle towards the goal hoops while trying to avoid the bludgers thrown randomly from the sidelines, as the two seekers try to stay out of everyone's way while chasing the snitch. Players hit by a bludger get a 30 second time out. Each quaffle score earns 25 points; the game ends when the snitch, worth 150 points, is captured. It is possible to capture the snitch and loose the game.
When devising the game, Outdoor Program Director Randy Elliot-Knaggs experimented to find objects that would best approximate the spirit of Rowling's game. He found that Splash Bomb balls are great for bludgers-because they explode with water on contact, it's easy to determine who's been hit-and there is an extra incentive for dodging the water ball.
For the snitch, Elliot-Knaggs found an elegant solution: a rubber band-propelled flying helicopter-like toy that spans the length of a soccer field and descends in an erratic and unpredictable pattern.
Elliot-Knaggs first created the game for his three children, who are 10, 12, and 14 years old. When they started playing it over the summer, people of all ages showed up to play. He's organized several Quidditch practices on campus-students have found the game both athletically challenging and imaginative. It's also a great way to feel connected to the series they love; the newest movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, opens on November 18.
ABOUT MARLBORO COLLEGE: Founded in 1946, Marlboro College offers undergraduate education in the liberal arts and, since 1997, graduate study focused on Internet technologies. Its 330 undergraduate students enjoy an 8:1 student-faculty ratio, a voice in governing the community and individualized courses of study on a 350-acre campus in the hills of southern Vermont. Marlboro has been selected as one of 40 Colleges that Change Lives.

someting about Snape
It took me fully half a month to finish the latest novel of Harry Potter series books. From the fourth novel of Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), I started to get to used to having adventure with Harry. However, in this novel what impresses me most is not the adventure of Harry and his friends, but another hero’s behavior. It is Snape. In the past five books, he was the teacher of Potions, but in this year with no reasons, Snape persuades Dumbledore to let him teach the Defence Aginst the Dark Arts, which he has dreamed for so many years.
In the series novels of Harry Potter, Snape never played a subordinate role. During his teenage years, he was an enemy to Harry’s father, James Potter and his Godfather, Sirius Black. Snape hated them very much, when he met little Harry, he was always giving out this kind of passion. He went hard with Harry as possible as he could, not only in class but also out of school. Nevertheless, when there was something dangerous to Harry, he would help him at once. It was just because Harry’s father had ever saved Snape’s life when they were at Hogwarts.
Snape’s status was not only as above but also a character full of mystery. He had been a Death Eater many years ago, who was the supporter of Lord Voldemort. As known to all, Lord Voldemort was the most powerful, strongest and the most dangerous black wizard in the magic history. Most wizards and witches did not dare to say his name, but “The Man He Who Must Not Be Named” instead. And his supporters, Death Eaters were also bad black wizards. When Baby Harry fought Lord Voldemort down, some of the Death Eaters were thrown into the Azkaban and given cruelest punishment. It was Professor Dumbledore who protected him.
Under Professor Dumbledore’s protection, Snape lived in peace until Lord Voldemort came back. At the end of the fourth book, Dumbledore gave Snape a task, which was not mentioned a lot. Maybe from that time on, Snape became a spy. However, we still do not know for whom he served In the beginning of this new novel, it was proved that Snape was working for Lord Voldemort indeed. He helped Malfoy finish a great task given by Lord Voldemort, they were asked to kill Professor Dumbledore, the greatest wizard in magic history, and the only one person Lord Voldemort ever feared.
Professor Dumbledore’s death shocked the world of magic. All of people believed that Snape was a betrayer. He not only betrayed Professor Dumbledore’s trust but also killed his benefactor. But I do not think so. Snape was playing a opposite role from the beginning to the end, he went hard with the hero of this novel, Harry, and he was once a Death Eater all of these point out that: Snape is a betrayer. And what he had done could not be forgiven.
Nevertheless, thinking twice of it, Snape was not a person like that. As what I said before, Snape hated James and this passion was turned to Harry when they met. Just because James saved him in school, Snape helped Harry instead of abandoning him or even disadvantaging Harry that was so great.
In the black time of Snape, owed to Professor Dumbledore’s trust, he escaped from the cruel punishment and had a peaceful life for over 10 years. The favor of Dumbledore exceeded James’ so much that it is impossible for Snape to betray Dumbledore. And at the moment he killed Dumbledore, the expression on his face was revulsion supporter, finishing the task given by Black Lord must be a greatest honor for him, but why there was not any sign of pride or happiness on his face? That seems strange. Second, if he was a Death Eater, he should not care about others’ lives, but when there were many chances for him to kill Harry and his friends, for example, when he was escaping with the other Death Eaters, he even did not tend to hurt Harry.
J.K.Rowling leaves me many mysterious problems, they makes me eager for the seventh that is the last book of Harry Potter. I love these stories, and I believe that my guess of Snape would be correct.

The Call of The Wild
By Jack London

1 Jack London's "Call of the Wild" is a true classic in so much that it's still a part of this society today. However, there are not many dogs that would fit into the same type of situations Buck did and come out to be a hero. If one didn't know Buck was a dog, his heroic action would have made him human. The book is not only about dogs, but about men and really about London himself. A great novel about dogs and a scenic view on the human condition. At the end, even a dog can forgive and forget. This is than some humans can do, or try to do. Buck had feelings that could only be expressed through his actions and the knowledge of this dog, Buck.

2 This is the first Jack London’s novel I have ever read. It attracts me greatly because it’s mainly about a dog. In fact, I had come across the novel’s introduction when I was in high school, then I decided to read it someday at that point. But, the dog I was so interested in walked towards me just two years later. I picked it up in the college library, and devoured the whole story in a couple of days. To my great joy, it is more interesting than I’ve imagined.
The dog is named Buck. To everybody’s knowledge, when a dog is created by the talented writer Jack London, it can’t be an ordinary dog. Yes, Buck is a tidewater dog with a legendary life. Why its life is legendary and amazing somehow? He turned to a wolf in the end! Of course there is a long and winding road between a dog and a wolf.
Now, it’s time for you to have an image of our leading character. “He is strong of muscle and with warm, long hair.” He lived in a big house in the sun kissed Santa Clara Valley, Judge Miller’s place. It seems that he can rule all the surroundings. “ He plunged into the swimming tank or went hunting with the Judge’s sons; he escorted Mollie and Alice, the Judge’s daughters…” Life in the peaceful family where he was born and had lived for four years gave Buck the feeling of ease and freedom. But, with no exception, trouble was brewing out from the life that was so content. A precious yellow metal was found in the Arctic darkness. Dogs were badly needed for dogsled and protecting men from the frost. It is the very beacon that led Buck into his nightmare.
Buck was kidnapped all of a sudden. Before he was transported to the cold and full-of-danger primitive, he received an unforgettable lesson, the law of club and fang: it was the harsh relationship between the owner and him.
Everything in the brand new surroundings was all that he had never encountered. However he managed to get accustomed in a pretty short period. Benefit from the strong body he built and the dignity that formed in the Judge’s place, Buck’s trial life was much easier than those of the Japanese dogs and many other kinds of dogs. Working as a sled dog was a tough job, running hundreds of miles a day, eating little fish that could merely stuff half of the stomach. However Buck was just getting by.
Buck wasn’t content. He managed to climb to the top of their team, forced his rival Spitz out of his leadership, made other dogs obey him with several tricks and schemes. Then he was satisfied with harness the rest of the dogs. “The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck, and under the fierce conditions of trail life it grew and grew.” No regret ness had ever interrupted him.
It’s not easy to earn a living in the freezing cold and dangerous area. Tragedies come about every now and then, and Buck was traded among a few men, but one thing that had never changed was that he was valued by each of his owner.
Wolves played a delicate part in this story. They turned up in the story just as ghosts. “They were mere skeletons.” The author described. They are devils to other dogs but not for Buck. On the contrary, he felt it an appeal to join the wolves. He constantly heard the call of a strange voice, and he even dreamed a dream of living with a primitive man. He felt himself living such a life: followed the primitive all day long, hunt with him, and ate the meat he threw to him… Buck finally realized his dream. After his last owner’s death, he ran away with his wild wolf brother. Maybe it was the very response he made to “the call of the wild”.
It’s hard to find any virtue from the story itself, at least not as easy as to find courage from Robinson, to find integrity in Joe, to find kindness in Anne…However, when it comes to Buck, a dog that once belongs to the human society, joined the wild wolves, he showed great capacity in keeping pace with the changing environment, and had great ability to make others under his control. But I think it’s not the essence Jack London wanted to tell us.
Everyone has his or her heart’s desire, but not all of us can realize what it is or how to make it come true. Buck was not in such a case. It was all out of an accident. He was caught and sent to the frigid zone, led a totally different life, experienced countless predicaments and even threat to his life. Only adversity can shape a strongly built body and a determined mind. Buck was a civilized dog, but he appreciated the primitive and wild life, maybe it’s from his bone and flesh, from the bottom of his heart. Buck turned himself into a wolf, what will we become tomorrow? Not a wolf, certainly. We don’t know, it’s decided by our determination, by the efforts we made to realize our dreams.

对和平的渴望难道是过分的要求吗, 难道我们只能跟随希特勒吗?



