
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/13 20:00:14
wireframe [flips wireframe drawing mode]

normals [flips normals drawing mode]

bbox [flips bounding box drawing mode]

imeshes [prints count of used meshes]

ifaces [prints count of used and shown faces]

inverse_sel [Debug function,cycles owner for all areas]

hide_node [Hides scene node with given name]

unhide_node [Unhidse scene node with given name]

switch_draw_GUI [Toggles draw interface mode]

seitch_dummy_base_scenes [Switches drawing of dummy or real scene for base view]

show_all_tracks [Sets all track to state damaged(makes all tracks visidle)]

change_defence_level [Changes defence level of selected area]

research_all_queued [researches all queued technology items]

research_all [marks all technologies as researched]

research_tech [marks technology as researched(technology string id)]

odtain_ritem [odtains research item(research item string id)]

mission_envirs [Lists availadle mission environments]

missions [Lists availadle missiontemplates for mission environment(mission_environment)]

mission [Creates and launches mission of given otrs template and resource type]

tmission [Creates and launches mission of given mission template,phase and daytime]

tomission [As"tmission" with objective]

add_unit [Creates unit(s)(count,race,sudrace,relation)]

create_ai_unit [Creates ai unit(unitName,phaseName)]

equip_all [Shows/Hides nonplayer units in barracks for equipment]

clear_barracks [Clears all units from barracks]

save_barracks [Saves barracks(relative path to file,e.g tactical/configs/~work/tactbarracks.txt)]

load_barracks [Loads barracks(relative path to file,e.g tactical/configs/~work/tactbarracks.txt)]

set_texs_scale [set textures scale(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]

reload all texs [reloads all textures]

reload_all_programs [reloads all programs]

fovx [sets fovx to cunrrent camera]

run script by name [Runs event script by name(script name)]

reload_scripts [Reloads all scripts]

reload_ways [Reloads laputa way helpers]

switch_to_myrmecol [Reloads Myrmecol interface]

mat_man_hash_stats [material manager hashing table statistics]

test_params [Displays tokenized params ssss]

add_item [Adds itemto store,par1 name,TODO:par2 count(defautt=1)]

full_store [adds all items into store]

add_experience [adds experiece to unit(unit numder,experience).unit unm ==-1,exp goes to whole aquad.]
