
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 10:32:36


摘要 90年代以来,随着人类社会进人信息化时代步伐的加快,Internet从过去主要用于科研和简单信息的发布向商业化大踏步迈进,广大的商家和用户从各自不同的角度都希望Internet能给他带来更大的实惠,用户对Internet的应用需求也有了根本性的变化,近年来,基于Internet的电子商务正方兴未艾并逐渐成为Internet商业化发展的重要内容。本文介绍了什么是电子商务、电子商务的发展现状,分析了发展电子商务面临的关键问题及可能的风险、政府学电子商务中的作用以及我国电子商务的发展前景。



一般认为,目前电于商务主要是包含三大类内容:一是企业之间的电子贸易,也就是EDI over Internet:二是指网上购物,即on-line Shopping;三是指网上信息服务,包括电子化政府等。

The summary is since 90's, along with the mankind the society enters the information-based ages step of person quickly, Internet from used to used for different from simplely information release to commercially mark time to move forward greatly, large company's house and customers from eachly from angles of researches' all hoping that the Internet can bring larger real benefit for him, customer to the variety that the Internet applied need also had the root, in recent years, according to the Internet electronic commerce positive on the up combine to become the Internet important contents of the commercial development gradually.What this text introduced to is the development present condition of the electronic commerce, electronic commerce, key problem and possible risk, governments that analyzes the development electronic commerce to face learn the development foreground of the function in the electronic commerce and the our country electronic commerce.

A, what is an electronic commerce

Be close to an and two all medium of IT of in the last yearses in appear one degree of 频 tallest afraid of is the phrase " electronic commerce".The electronic commerce elfevident be each that participate the square by electronics but not with the physics exchange or the direct physics contact way completes any form of business bargain".Therefore, we can think the electronic commerce is to include macroscopic and tiny two contentses of view actually, speaking up from the macro view, the electronic commerce mean at build up a lately economic order through the electronics means, it not only involves the electronics technique and the business bargains, but also involves such as the finance, tax administration.Educate to wait social other levelses;Say from the tiny view angle, the electronic commerce mean various entity that has the business activity ability( produce the business enterprise, company's 贸 business enterprise, financing institution.Government organ, personal news an etc.) make use of network and the forerunner's numerals to turn various businesses trade activity that the media technique carry on.

Think generally, mainly be give or get an electric shock in the business currently is to include three big contentses:While is an electronics trade between business enterprise, is also an EDI over Internet:Two mean on-line shopping, namely on - line Shopping;Three mean on-line information service, include e-government etc..
