天津雅轩餐厅:有关西方葬礼的问题--private and public mourning

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 13:50:26
看了一篇关于Queen Mother Elizabeth 的文章,其中写到:“First will come several days of private mourning,which will be followed by a period of public mourning, during which her body will lie in state at Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament complex.”这里的mourning 是解释为服丧,那么西方人的葬礼到底要分哪几部呢?望了解西方文化的大虾能给予指点:)
具体说来就是mourning到底有哪几个步骤,private mourning 和 public mourning 具体是怎样的。

