急诊室的故事 字幕:篮球的历史(帮忙翻译成英文)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 18:58:38

最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方 参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投 篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主 要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯 规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国 制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有移种文字出版,发行于全世界,这样,篮球运动 逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。

Development Profile
Basketball is 1891 by the United States Massachusetts Springfield (old translation Chun Tin), YMCA Training School physical education teachers J. Dr. Naishimisi created, initially, he will get two peach baskets were nails in his room stands railings, peach basket on the ground along the 3.04 m distance, a football competition for tools to basket dropped. Netball into a basket one minute, or decided by the number of credits. Netball into each basket, to be removed to restart Patizi ball competitions. Gradually after the end of the bamboo basket to live iron basket, and then read the following to Tiequan network. To 1893, a similar modern backboard, hoop and Nets. Initial basketball competitions, the number of office, venue size, competition no strict time limit. Suffice it to the number of parties participating in the competition must be equal. Competition began, the parties who were standing at the line, throwing grenades and coaches Mingshao stadium middle, the two sides ran up to the venue grabbed begin competition. Affects persons can vote basket with the ball ran up to Lan Xia, the first person to reach the target score wins. 1892, 13 Naishimisi formulated the rules of the competition, and the main provisions are not allowed to run referees, not a physical move to a boxing ball, otherwise the foul-consecutive negative one-third of sub-regulation; Competition time provided for, and 2,713,000, 15 minutes; Size of the venue also provided. Gradually reduce the number of field competitions for each team 10, 9, 7, 1893 for each team playing 5. 1904 in three Olympic Games for the first one basketball matches. In 1908 the United States enacted the National Basketball uniform rules, and moved languages published, the issue to the world, so that basketball movement gradually spread to America, Europe and Asia, has become a world sport.