
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 21:55:58
Any notice, request or other communication shall be written in the English language, sent to the addresses stated on the first page of the Contract, and deemed to be duly given
a) if delivered by hand, the same day,
b) if sent by e-mail, on the day of dispatch of a confirming fax (provided
there is a receipt confirming the transmission) or a confirming letter
sent by courier mail,
c) if sent by fax, the day of dispatch (provided there is a receipt confirming
the fax-transmission),
d) if sent by courier mail, the day after dispatch.

Any notice, request or other communication shall be written in the English language, sent to the addresses stated on the first page of the Contract, and deemed to be duly given
任何布告(通知), 要求, 或其它任何沟通细节需用英语, 且发送到本合同首页上注明的地址.

a) if delivered by hand, the same day,
手递(人工投递), 需在当天内
b) if sent by e-mail, on the day of dispatch of a confirming fax (provided there is a receipt confirming the transmission) or a confirming letter sent by courier mail,
如果用电邮, 投送当天需有确认的传真(倘若有收条, 或回函可证明), 或电邮服务商提供的邮件回执.
以上这段我翻得有点乱, 大意是发出邮件当天要用传真通知对方以确认发送. 或者邮件回执也可(一般邮件都有这功能)
c) if sent by fax, the day of dispatch (provided there is a receipt confirming the fax-transmission),
如果用传真, 需当天(如果有收条证明传真发送)
d) if sent by courier mail, the day after dispatch.
如果用平邮, 则在邮寄后一天.


a) 如果是手写寄送的话,当天寄出。
b) 如果是电子邮件的话,当天须发传真以确认(假如有确认寄送的收据)或者用快件来确认。
c) 如果是传真,在发送当天确认(假如有确认寄送传真的收据)
d) 如果是快件,在寄出日之后进行确认。

一) 如果用手递送, 当日,
b)如果根据电子邮件送, 在一确定的特派天上传真 (提供
有一张收据确定传输) 或一封确定信
c) 如果根据传真送, 特派的天 (提供有收据确定